German - Turkish Medical Translators

Search results for German - Turkish Medical Translators
93 translators matching your srach criteria is found.

Education Information
University: Cukurova University - Medicine, 1990
Doctorate: haseki hospital - General Surgery, 1997

Job experience: 40 year(s)
Daily capacity: 5000 characters

Education Information
University: Uludag University - Medicine,

Job experience: 13 year(s)
Daily capacity: 5000 characters

Education Information
University: Medical University of Vienna/Viyana Tip Üniversitesi - Medicine, 2010

Job experience: 12 year(s)
Daily capacity: 10000 characters

Education Information
University: Baskent University - Medicine, 2018

Job experience: 6 year(s)
Daily capacity: 5000 characters

Education Information
University: Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität Münster - Business Informatics (Işletme Enformatiği), 2012
Degree: Galatasaray University - Logistics And Marketing Management, 2015

Job experience: 15 year(s)
Daily capacity: 5000 characters

Education Information
University: Mimar Sinan Fine Arts University - archaeology, 2016

Job experience: 12 year(s)
Daily capacity: 10000 characters

Education Information
University: Istanbul University - German Translation and Interpreting, 2014

Job experience: 15 year(s)
Daily capacity: 8000 characters

Education Information
University: Eskisehir Osmangazi University - Comparative Literature, 2014

Job experience: 14 year(s)
Daily capacity: 7500 characters

Education Information
University: Dokuz Eylul University - English-German-Turkish Translation and Interpretation, 2010

Job experience: 13 year(s)
Daily capacity: 20000 characters

Education Information
University: Mersin University - Translation and Interpreting-German, 2017

Job experience: 12 year(s)
Daily capacity: 20000 characters

Education Information
University: Marmara University - Translation and Interpreting German, 2016

Job experience: 12 year(s)
Daily capacity: 25000 characters

Education Information
University: Fu-Berlin Politologie- Istanbul University Black. know Trakya University Educ. fac. - German Teaching, 2007
Degree: Trakya University, Sos. know Ins., Yab. Language. Mother. Dal., German Language Education - "Mnemonics Teaching Materials And Their Application In Edirne Koleji", 2010

Job experience: 12 year(s)
Daily capacity: 20000 characters

Education Information
University: Hacettepe - Baskent Universities - Tourism and Guidance - German Language and Literature, 2007

Job experience: 12 year(s)
Daily capacity: 30000 characters

Education Information
University: Friedrich Alexander University - Dentistry Associate Degree, Bachelor of Chemistry, 1984

Job experience: 44 year(s)
Daily capacity: 8000 characters

Education Information
University: Ataturk University - German language and literature, 1988

Job experience: 37 year(s)
Daily capacity: 5000 characters

Education Information
University: Stuttgart University - Silence, 1996
Doctorate: FHTE Esslingen - Chemistry/ Dry Powder Coating, 1997

Job experience: 36 year(s)
Daily capacity: 8000 characters

Education Information
University: Dokuz Eylul University - industrial engineer, 1994

Job experience: 36 year(s)
Daily capacity: 15000 characters

Education Information
University: Anatolian University - Business, 2009

Job experience: 35 year(s)
Daily capacity: 10000 characters

Education Information
University: Technical University of Vienna - Electrical engineering, 1994

Job experience: 34 year(s)
Daily capacity: 10000 characters

Education Information
University: Marmara University - German Language and Education, 1991

Job experience: 32 year(s)
Daily capacity: 10000 characters

Education Information
University: Ataturk University - French, 1992

Job experience: 30 year(s)
Daily capacity: 20000 characters

Education Information
University: Hacettepe - German language and literature, 2001

Job experience: 29 year(s)
Daily capacity: 10000 characters

Education Information
University: Selcuk University - German Language And Edb, 1999

Job experience: 27 year(s)
Daily capacity: 8000 characters

Education Information
University: University of Hagen - Educational Philosophy, 2005

Job experience: 27 year(s)
Daily capacity: 25000 characters

Find the right translator for German » Turkish medical translations

Medical translation is the translation of documents, reports, manuals, rules, instructions, principles and procedures and other types of documents that describe and explain all kinds of medical and veterinary subjects and related equipment and materials used herein. In medical translations, content is encountered in sub-titles such as Internal Diseases, Surgery, Medicine, Medical equipment, Urology. For more details and pricing information about this area, you can visit our Medical Translation page.

In order to have a quality and trouble-free medical translation, you should make sure that the translator who will prepare the translation has the necessary qualifications. For this, you should consider whether the translator has a good command of both the language and the field. Here you can see the training areas of our translators, their daily outputs and how many years of experience they have. Then, you can visit the profile page of the translator you find suitable, to examine their qualifications in more detail, and to have an idea about the translation quality by assessing the translator's past translation examples. If you decide he/she is suitable for a specific translation, you can appoint this translator to your projects. The purpose of providing this feature to you is to make sure that your translation is actually done by the most suitable translator.

What are the criteria to consider when choosing your translator?

Education Criterion

No matter how good a translator's proficiency in language is, the prerequisite for being successful in medical translations is specialization in this field. Translators with a bachelor's or even a master's degree in the relevant subject are always candidates for higher quality work. We have 101 translators capable of professional medical translations between German and Turkish languages. To meet this requirement, we work with translators who have graduated from Dentistry Associate Degree, Bachelor of Chemistry, German English Turkish Translation and Interpreting, Electrical engineering, archaeology departments, have a master's degree in Applied Psychology, Electrical engineering, Logistics And Marketing Management, Political Science and a doctorate in General Surgery, Chemistry/ Dry Powder Coating, none.

Experience Criterion

It is important to work with an experienced translator for texts with medical content as well as academic background. The experience period of the medical translators in our staff varies between 5 and 24 years. Profile pages include not only the duration of experience of the translators, but also information about their professional careers, if any.

Translator's sample translations

If there are short sections of translations made by translators in the medical field on their profile pages, you can make a better choice by examining them. One of the information on our translator pages is the sample translations of the translator in various branches. By examining them, you can understand in which sub-branches of translations in German - Turkish languages a translator is more experienced and competent.