Turkish - English Financial Translators

Search results for Turkish - English Financial Translators
423 translators matching your srach criteria is found.

Education Information
University: M.E.T.U - Business, 1988
Degree: Marmara University - Accounting & Finance, 1994

Job experience: 39 year(s)
Daily capacity: 17500 characters

Education Information
University: Girne American University - Business, 1992

Job experience: 33 year(s)
Daily capacity: 16000 characters

Education Information
University: M.E.T.U - Business, 1989
Degree: M.E.T.U - Urban Policy Planning, 2007

Job experience: 30 year(s)
Daily capacity: 10000 characters

Education Information
University: University of Liechtenstein - Economy, 4

Job experience: 30 year(s)
Daily capacity: 20000 characters

Education Information
University: Middle East Technical University - Business, 1995
Degree: Lancaster University - Uk - Dept. Of Accounting And Finance,

Job experience: 27 year(s)
Daily capacity: 20000 characters

Education Information
University: Anatolian University - Economics and Administrative Sciences /Business Administration, 2000

Job experience: 27 year(s)
Daily capacity: 5000 characters

Education Information
University: Mersin University - Tourism and Hotel Management, 2002

Job experience: 26 year(s)
Daily capacity: 5000 characters

Education Information
University: Gazi University - Finance + Eng Preparation, 2002

Job experience: 25 year(s)
Daily capacity: 5000 characters

Education Information
University: Anatolian University - Business, 2003

Job experience: 25 year(s)
Daily capacity: 5000 characters

Education Information
University: Uludag University - Business, 2003

Job experience: 24 year(s)
Daily capacity: 15000 characters

Education Information
University: Newport University - Business, 2000

Job experience: 22 year(s)
Daily capacity: 5000 characters

Education Information
University: Anatolian University - Faculty of Management, 2007

Job experience: 20 year(s)
Daily capacity: 5000 characters

Education Information
University: University of Economics - Foreign trade, 2007
Degree: University of Economics - Foreign trade, 2009

Job experience: 19 year(s)
Daily capacity: 25000 characters

Education Information
University: Yeditepe University - English Business, 2007
Degree: Yeditepe University - English Financial Engineering, 2011

Job experience: 17 year(s)
Daily capacity: 10000 characters

Education Information
University: Istanbulaydin University - Marketing, 2010
Degree: Halic University - Textile And Fashion Design,

Job experience: 17 year(s)
Daily capacity: 5000 characters

Education Information
University: Anadolu University - Business, 2014
Degree: Istanbul Trade Univ - International Business English, 2015

Job experience: 17 year(s)
Daily capacity: 15000 characters

Education Information
University: Bogazici University - Business, 2009
Degree: Swiss Hotel Management School - Hotel Operations Managament, 2010

Job experience: 17 year(s)
Daily capacity: 5000 characters

Education Information
University: Afyon Kocatepe Uni. - Faculty of Management, 2005

Job experience: 16 year(s)
Daily capacity: 5000 characters

Education Information
University: M.E.T.U - Business (English), 2009

Job experience: 15 year(s)
Daily capacity: 8000 characters

Education Information
University: Marmara University - Economy (English), 2012

Job experience: 15 year(s)
Daily capacity: 10000 characters

Education Information
University: M.E.T.U - Business, 2008
Degree: M.E.T.U - Sociology, 2012

Job experience: 14 year(s)
Daily capacity: 15000 characters

Education Information
University: Dokuz Eylul University - Business, 2008
Degree: Marmara University - Numerical methods,

Job experience: 14 year(s)
Daily capacity: 20000 characters

Education Information
University: Celal Bayar University - Business, 2009

Job experience: 13 year(s)
Daily capacity: 20000 characters

Education Information
University: Kütahya Dumlupinar University - Business, 2012

Job experience: 13 year(s)
Daily capacity: 20000 characters

Choosing the right translator for financial Turkish » English translations

Documents with contents such as accounting, investment, periodic report, market research explaining all kinds of financial situations and movements of companies, financial institutions such as banks and investment groups, governments, government institutions and individuals are handled under the title of financial translation. financial translations also cover Management, Financial reports, Investment, Taxation And Customs, Accounting. If the text in your hand is in one of these fields and you want to have a quality translation, you can request the translator to have experience in these fields. Because each sub-branch has its own unique terminology. Profile pages of our translators include their previous translations in these sub-specialties as well as their professional knowledge. For more details and pricing information about this area, you can visit our Financial Translation page.

Getting the desired output from a translation project depends on the expertise of the translators who will undertake the work. Expert translators can be distinguished by their command of the source and target languages of the documents, their past experience in the relevant branch and their educational background. We offer translator filtering by language pair and topics to enable you to evaluate these factors and choose the most suitable financial translator for your needs. Search for specific languages and topics and visit the translators' profile pages from the results. On these pages, you can find all the necessary professional information and translation examples and make your decision accordingly. If you make this evaluation, you will be sure that you will be working with a translator who is suitable for the content and purpose of your document, and therefore you will receive a satisfactory translation service.

Criteria for choosing the right financial translators

Education Criterion

Expertise in terms of educational background should absolutely be taken into account in financial translations. In other words, it is not enough for a translator to have a good command of the languages in order to interpret the texts correctly. At least undergraduate level education requirement must be sought in the financial field. In the financial field, 414 of our translators translate from Turkish to English. Among our financial translators, we have team members who have been educated in Faculty of Management, Economy, Economics (English), International Relations - Economy departments, as well as Finance And Investment, International Business English, Business, English Financial Engineering master's degrees and Physical chemistry, Medicine And Surgery, Mathematics, Primary education doctorate degrees.

Experience Criterion

In order to make a comparison between the translators who meet the education criteria, you should first look at how many years they have been working as a translator. In our translation office team, there are financial translators whose experience ranges from 3 to 39 years. Looking at the sectors in which the translators have worked before, it may be more reasonable to prefer those who have worked in positions that overlap with the subject.

Translator's sample translations

Before making your final decision, you can also assess the translation examples presented according to the branch and sub-branches. For this, take a look at the relevant sections on the translators' profile pages. This will show you which branches she/he is familiar with in the financial field.