Degree: M.E.T.U - Electrical electronics Engineering, 2000
Doctorate: M.E.T.U - Electrical electronics Engineering, 2007
Degree: Istanbul Technical University - engineering, 2007
Degree: Long Island University - English, Aral
Degree: High School For The Arts - Autonomy, 2006
Degree: Ludwig Maximilian University - Psychology, 2009
Doctorate: Ludwig Maximilian University - Psychology, ---
Degree: University Of Auckland - Cardiac Physiology, 2006
Doctorate: The University of Otago - Medicine And Surgery, 2010
Degree: M.E.T.U - Cognitive Sciences, 2011
Doctorate: M.E.T.U - Cognitive Sciences, 2016
Degree: Hacettepe University - British Cultural Studies,
Degree: Martin Luther University - Polymer Engineering, 2008
Degree: Istanbul Technical University - Polymer Science And Technology, 2008
Doctorate: Technical University of Clausthal - Physical chemistry, 2013
Degree: Marmara - Psychological advice and guidance, 2005
Doctorate: Marmara - Psychological advice and guidance, 2015