Turkish - German Legal Translators

Search results for Turkish - German Legal Translators
22 translators matching your srach criteria is found.

Education Information
University: Zurich and Marmara Law Faculties - none, 2012

Job experience: 22 year(s)
Daily capacity: 10000 characters

Education Information
University: Marmara University - Law, 2013

Job experience: 14 year(s)
Daily capacity: 6250 characters

Education Information
University: Leibniz University Hannover - Law, 2014

Job experience: 11 year(s)
Daily capacity: 30000 characters

Education Information
University: University of Zurich - Law, 2011

Job experience: 11 year(s)
Daily capacity: 30000 characters

Education Information
University: Fu-Berlin Politologie- Istanbul University Black. know Trakya University Educ. fac. - German Teaching, 2007
Degree: Trakya University, Sos. know Ins., Yab. Language. Mother. Dal., German Language Education - "Mnemonics Teaching Materials And Their Application In Edirne Koleji", 2010

Job experience: 11 year(s)
Daily capacity: 20000 characters

Education Information
University: Dokuz Eylul University - industrial engineer, 1994

Job experience: 35 year(s)
Daily capacity: 15000 characters

Education Information
University: RWTH Aachen - Computer Eng., 1996

Job experience: 35 year(s)
Daily capacity: 43750 characters

Education Information
University: Dokuz Eylul University Buca - Department of German Language and Education, 1989

Job experience: 32 year(s)
Daily capacity: 15000 characters

Education Information
University: Hacettepe - German language and literature, 2001

Job experience: 28 year(s)
Daily capacity: 10000 characters

Education Information
University: Selcuk University - German Language And Edb, 1999

Job experience: 26 year(s)
Daily capacity: 8000 characters

Education Information
University: University of Hagen - Educational Philosophy, 2005

Job experience: 26 year(s)
Daily capacity: 25000 characters

Education Information
University: Istanbul University - Translation and Interpreting, 2006

Job experience: 25 year(s)
Daily capacity: 5000 characters

Education Information
University: Aegean University - Mechanical Engineering, 1999

Job experience: 24 year(s)
Daily capacity: 35000 characters

Education Information
University: Dokuz Eylul University - German- English- Turkish, Translation and Interpreting, 2011

Job experience: 16 year(s)
Daily capacity: 20000 characters

Education Information
University: Istanbul University - Translation and Interpreting German, 2013

Job experience: 13 year(s)
Daily capacity: 5000 characters

Education Information
University: Istanbul University - German Translation and Interpreting, 2009

Job experience: 13 year(s)
Daily capacity: 20000 characters

Education Information
University: Dokuz Eylul University - Translation and Interpreting, 2015

Job experience: 12 year(s)
Daily capacity: 5000 characters

Education Information
University: Marmara University - German Teaching, 2012
Degree: Gazi University - German Teaching, deva

Job experience: 11 year(s)
Daily capacity: 15000 characters

Education Information
University: University of Munich Lmu - Business, 1986
Degree: University of Munich - Business, 1989

Job experience: 11 year(s)
Daily capacity: 10000 characters

Education Information
University: University of Dortmund - Mechanical Engineering,

Job experience: 11 year(s)
Daily capacity: 10000 characters

Education Information
University: Ankara university - International relations, 2018

Job experience: 11 year(s)
Daily capacity: 30000 characters

Education Information
University: professional school - Detailhandelsfachmann, 2011

Job experience: 6 year(s)
Daily capacity: 10000 characters

Factors to consider when choosing a Turkish German legal translator

The translation of documents such as legal regulations, laws and regulations, binding contracts between individuals and institutions, international agreements, all kinds of court documents, judicial records is the subject of legal translation. There are various sub-branches of legal translation, such as Specifications, Minutes, Court Order, Legal Opinion, Agreement. For more details and pricing information about this area, you can visit our Legal Translation page.

If you have important documents that need to be translated in the medical field and you want to go smoothly in this process, the point you need to focus on is to ensure that the right translator does the translation. The right translator can be determined by their command of the source and target languages of the documents, their past experience in the relevant branch and their educational background. Tek Translation Office offers you detailed translator profiles so that you can get an idea about these traits and make a better choice. In other words, you can choose the one you think is the most suitable by examining the previous translations of a translator, as well as their education, translation capacity, and work experience. In this way, you can be sure that your translation is done by a truly suitable translator and that you will get what you pay for.

How to choose between legal translators?

Education Criterion

Find out if candidates have undergraduate or even postgraduate education in this field so that you can select a translator who can properly comprehend and interpret the content of legal texts. Misuse of even a single term can lead to misunderstanding of the final text. Our total number of translators who translate legal texts from Turkish to German is 26. Our legal translators hold undergraduate degrees in Law, Translation and Interpreting, none, Detailhandelsfachmann, masters in Business, none, German Teaching, Mnemonics Teaching Materials And Their Application, or doctorate degrees in none.

Experience Criterion

In the selection of translators -especially in legal translations- besides the educational background, the number of years of experience of the translator should be taken into account. The experience period of our translators in the field of legal is between 5 and 16 years. Many of our translators, apart from their translation work, also have professional work experience in various legal related sectors and institutions.

Translator's sample translations

Even if they meet these criteria, you can also look at their previous translations in the relevant field to make sure you choose the right translators. It will allow you to get an idea of a translator's expertise even by looking at a few very short Legal Translation examples on their profile page.