Turkish - Italian Technical Translators

Search results for Turkish - Italian Technical Translators
5 translators matching your srach criteria is found.

Education Information
University: Turkish Military Academy / DEU. - Electronics And Telecommunications / Law, 1989
Degree: Mebs School - Electronics And Telecommunications, 1990

Job experience: 32 year(s)
Daily capacity: 30000 characters

Education Information
University: Ankara university - Italian Language and Literature, 2003
Degree: University of Naples - Federico II - International Trade and Company Management, -

Job experience: 26 year(s)
Daily capacity: 40000 characters

Education Information
University: Ankara University Dtcf - Italian Language and Literature, 2002

Job experience: 23 year(s)
Daily capacity: 10000 characters

Education Information
University: Ankara university - Italian Language and Literature, 2014

Job experience: 13 year(s)
Daily capacity: 10000 characters

Education Information
University: Erciyes University - International Trade and Business, 2017

Job experience: 12 year(s)
Daily capacity: 12000 characters

How to choose the right translator for Turkish » Italian technical translations

Technical translation is a language service that covers the translation of documents such as engineering sciences and their application instructions, brochures, technical product specifications, patents. technical translations have Transport, Aviation and space, Marine, Automotive business, Software document types and each is a separate subspecialty. Therefore, it is also important whether the translator has experience in the relevant original document. In other words, not only language and translation, but also sub-branch expertise should be questioned. For this reason, sample translations of our translators listed according to their sub-specialties are included on their profile pages. For more details and pricing information about this area, you can visit our Technical Translation page.

The success of a technical translation project is proportional to the competence of the translators who will do the translation. Competent translators have a high command of the source and target languages and stand out with their experience and training in the sector. technical translators that make Turkish to Italian translations are listed on this page. Here you can view their fields of education, daily capacity and working years. By clicking on the profile page link of a translator who seems to be a suitable candidate, you can reach more detailed information about him/her and decide which translator has the required qualifications. Therefore, you will have no doubt that a quality translation work will be done and you can get your money's worth.

What are the selection criteria for technical translators?

Education Criterion

The qualification of technical translators is whether they have specialization based on education in their field as much as their language skills. Translators with degrees in technical will always do more satisfying work. We offer you the opportunity to choose among 7 translators in the Turkish - Italian language group for your translations in technical field. We have translators graduated from departments such as Electronics And Telecommunications / Law, Italian Language and Literature, Linguistics /Literature, International Trade and Business working in this field. Some have master's degrees in fields such as Electronics And Telecommunications, Linguistics, none, International Trade and Company Management, and doctorate degrees in fields such as none.

Experience Criterion

The second criterion after the education in the selection of translators is the total experience period. A translator who has been translating for 30 years and a translator who has been translating for 3 years will provide very different results. The least experienced technical translator you will find in the search results has 9 years of experience, and the most experienced 10 years. The institutions/companies where the translators worked before and their duties there may also be important in terms of their experience.

Translator's sample translations

In fact, the best indicator of a translator's proficiency in the technical field is to look at his previous translations; For this, we also offer you sections of such short translations on their profile pages. The examples in the profile of the translator you have chosen will give you a better idea about the translation competence and style of your chosen translator.