Turkish Medical Translation Services: prices, sample translations and translator

Medical Translation

Medical Translation

Medical translation is the translation of documents relating to medicine, such as clinical, scientific, and technological data. Patient records, medical reports, prescription labels and instructions, clinical trial documentation, medical equipment manuals, and other materials may be included.

Medical translation necessitates specialist medical expertise and training, as well as a thorough comprehension of the language being translated into. This guarantees that the translated information conveys the desired message accurately, clearly, and effectively.

Tek Translate specializes in Turkish medical translations. We have hunderds of experts in our medical translator pool. We assign medical documents mentioned below to field professionals so that translated documents feature proper delivery of medical facts:

Patient medical records may contain information on a patient's medical history, medicines, therapies, and other pertinent facts.

  • Protocols, informed consent forms, case report forms, and other papers used in the creation and implementation of clinical studies are examples of clinical trial documents.
  • Medical reports might contain diagnostic test results, pathology reports, discharge summaries, and other medical data.
  • Labels and instructions for prescription prescriptions, over-the-counter medications, and other pharmaceutical items are examples of drug labels and instructions.
  • User manuals for medical devices, equipment, and instruments used in healthcare settings.

Ultimately, medical translation is vital in improving communication and maintaining the safety and well-being of patients, healthcare workers, and researchers worldwide.


Since it is a field that requires special expertise, medical translation is more costly than other fields. Although pricing depends mainly on the amount of text in the relevant texts, special pricing can be made for content in specific sub-branches. You can calculate the medical translation price for the language pair you need by using the form below. For detailed information about pricing, you can visit our Turkish translation prices page.

  • Prices for
    Medical Translation

    English » Turkish: 0.06875 USD
    Turkish » English: 0.06875 USD

    Click here to browse our prices in other languages and areas of expertise.

    The translation price is calculated based on the word count in the target text. Factors such as subject, length, and tightness of deadline may affect the final price. We provide translations in the field of Medical Translation with a total of 79 translators and a daily translation capacity of approximately 1,900,000 characters.

Approximate Price Calculation

To find out the translation price, specify the details below and click the "Calculate" button.

Our Medical Translators

Some of our translators who do medical translations are listed below. You can view the qualifications of our translators on their profile pages and choose an appropriate translator for your translations.

Name Languages Education Information Capacity (characters per day)
FADI A. 1894 Arabic « » Turkish Selcuk University - medical School 20000
YAKUP Ö. 2146 Turkish « » English Hacettepe University - Medicine 5000
GONCA Ö. 2164 English « » Turkish Istanbul University Istanbul - Medicine 10000
SEFA Ç. 2011 English « » Turkish Kirikkale University - medical School 20000
CEMIL S. 2094 English « » Turkish Istanbul University Cerrahpasa Faculty of Medicine. - English Medicine 10000

Medical Translation Samples

  • Turkish Arabic Medical Translation Çeviri Örneği - 239
    • Title: Endodontics
    • Language pair:
      [Turkish » Arabic]
  • Turkish German Medical Translation Çeviri Örneği - 203
    • Title: Health report
    • Language pair:
      [Turkish » German]
  • English Turkish Medical Translation Çeviri Örneği - 330
    • Title: BORON- BORON
    • Language pair:
      [English » Turkish]
  • Turkish Arabic Medical Translation Çeviri Örneği - 278
    • Title: فواكه وخضروات...
    • Language pair:
      [Turkish » Arabic]
  • Turkish English Medical Translation Çeviri Örneği - 108
    • Title: Hormone Therapy
    • Language pair:
      [Turkish » English]
  • English Turkish Medical Translation Çeviri Örneği - 188
    • Title: SİO2 structure
    • Language pair:
      [English » Turkish]
  • Turkish English Medical Translation Çeviri Örneği - 117
    • Language pair:
      [Turkish » English]
  • English Turkish Medical Translation Çeviri Örneği - 57
    • Title: Analgesia
    • Language pair:
      [English » Turkish]
  • English Turkish Medical Translation Çeviri Örneği - 54
    • Title: Health Care Providers
    • Language pair:
      [English » Turkish]