English - German translation
Our translation office offers fast and complete solutions to all your German translation needs with its large staff of German translators.
Besides our native German translators, many of our translators have been in Germany for education or work and have bachelor's and master's degrees in different fields. We also have editors who majored German philology.
For intance, we work with a translator in the field of industrial engineering with a translator who has an engineering education in Austria, or for a German legal translation with our translators who have received legal training in Germany and have practiced law in this country.
In this way, we can provide you with excellent translations in a complex language such as German, where terms vary even according to the field in which they are used.
If you want to benefit from this privilege in all medical, commercial and academic fields, you can choose a special translator for your German translations, and send your translations to us using our online form. After that, within 30 minutes at the latest; We will get back to you with an e-mail with price, delivery time and payment information.
Approximate Price Calculation
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