Turkish, English translator - TANSEL G.

About TANSEL G. - Turkish, English translator

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Our translation office offers you the opportunity to choose the most suitable translator for the characteristics of your translation. Below is the information of one of our translators working in Turkish, English languages. If you want to work with this translator, all you have to do is submit your translation to our office by clicking on the link "I want to work with this translator" and then "Send your translation now".

Language/Branch/Capacity Information

  • Language Pairs
    • English » Turkish: 5000 characters (800 Words)
  • Fields of Expertise:
    Academic, Commercial, Tourism, Social Sciences

Education Information

University: Aegean University - Economy | 2006
Degree: Aegean University - Economy | 2008
Doctorate: Aegean University - Economy | 2012

Job experience

Experience: 16 year(s)

Translator's Sample Translations

  • English » Turkish - Commercial Translation (Regulation)
    Communication loss PCV - Motor encoder
    İletişim kaybı – Motor kodlayıcı
  • English » Turkish - Commercial Translation (Regulation)
    Includes only frames with no lenses attached.
    Camı olmayan, yalnızca çerçeve halinde olan ürünler dahildir.
  • English » Turkish - Commercial Translation (Regulation)
    Smoke or fire present, defective sensor Gamma:
    Duman veya yangın var, hatalı sensör Gamma:
  • English » Turkish - Commercial Translation (Regulation)
    Indicates, with reference to the product branding, labelling or packaging, the descriptive term that is used by the product manufacturer to identify the type of ornament.
    Ürün etiketleme, damgalama veya ambalajı ile ilgili olarak süs türünü tanımlamak üzere ürün imalatçısı tarafından kullanılan açıklayıcı terimi gösterir.
  • English » Turkish - Commercial Translation (Regulation)
    If more than one drive axle of the four drive axles in the yaw system fail with non-critical errors, the N-1 operation of the yaw system is no longer possible and this error message is issued.
    Sapma sistemindeki dört tahrik aksından birden fazlası kirtil olmayan hata ile arızalanırsa, sapma sisteminin N-1 operasyonu artık olası değildir ve bu hata mesajı yayınlanır.
  • English » Turkish - Commercial Translation (Regulation)
    Excludes products such as dolls kitchen settings.
    Oyuncak bebek mutfak setleri gibi ürünler dahil değildir.
  • English » Turkish - Commercial Translation (Regulation)
    Includes any products that can be described/observed as an accessory or replacement part for camping cooking equipment, drinking equipment or eating equipment.
    Açık hava kamp ortamında kullanılmak üzere tasarlanmış kamp pişirme ekipmanı yedek parçası veya aksesuarı olarak tanımlanabilecek/gözlemlenebilecek her tür ürün dahildir.
  • English » Turkish - Commercial Translation (Documents and certificates)
    The magnet should only be used as a “reference point” for the blade when a measurement is made with the blade “in compression”, and not be used as a “reference point” for the blade when a measurement is made with the blade “in tension”.
    Mıknatıs yalnızca “sarılmış haldeki” şerit ile bir ölçüm yapılacağı esnada şerit için bir “referans noktası” olarak kullanılmalıdır, ve şerit “gergin” haldeyken yapılan bir ölçüm esnasında bir “referans noktası” olarak kullanılmamalıdır.

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