About ÇIĞDEM B. - Turkish, English translator
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The field of education of Ms. Çiğdem, one of our English translators in the Istanbul region, is International Relations. After his undergraduate education at Istanbul University, he received his master's degree in England. It meets both criteria required for a quality translation. In other words, he is both very advanced in English and has a high level of expertise. With these features, it works not only in this field but also documents such as academic translation and legal translation. If you need qualified translation in these branches , you have the opportunity to work with Ms. Çiğdem. You can place your order accordingly with our system that has the feature of selecting a translator. When you submit your documents, simply indicate that you want translator number 1054. Or, upload from the translation submission page that opens when you click the button below. In this way, your order will be automatically directed to it.
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Education, capacity and education on the profile page of each English-Turkish translator. There is information such as work experience. Moreover, some short sections from their translations are also presented. Thus, you have the opportunity to choose the most accurate translator yourself.
Language/Branch/Capacity Information
- Language Pairs
- English » Turkish: 7000 characters (1120 Words)
- Turkish » English: 7000 characters (1120 Words)
Fields of Expertise:
Medical, Legal, Academic, Commercial, Financial, Tourism, Website, Social Sciences
Education Information
Istanbul University -
International relations | 2009
University of Birmingham, England -
International Relations | 2010
Job experience
Experience: 11 year(s)
Bilgesam Center for Strategic Studies / Temmuz- Ekim 2011
Duty: Scholarship Research Assistant
Global Translation, UK / Mart 2010- Ekim 2010
Duty: Turkish-English translator
Channel D News / Ağustos 2008-Mayıs 2009
Duty: Foreign News Service Intern
Translator's Sample Translations
Turkish » English - Financial Translation (Accounting)Kılavuzda ayrıca yevmiye defteri ve büyük defter için ortak nitelikte kullanıma sahip “documentinfo” ve “entityInformation” veri grubu ve bunlara ait elemanlar la ilgili açıklamalara yer verilmektedir.These guidelines also provide explanations on “documentinfo” and “entityInformation” data groups and their elements, which are commonly used in journals and general ledgers.
Turkish » English - Medical Translation (Gynecology)Küçük bir aletle, serviks yüzeyindeki hücreler, sürüntü yöntemiyle toplanır.With a small instrument, cells on the cervical surface are collected by the method of swabbing.
Turkish » English - Financial Translation (Financial reports)Ertelenmiş vergi varlık ve yükümlülükleri muhasebe Vt vergilendirmenin farklı muamelesi sonucu önemli zamanlama farklarından (ileride vergilendirilebilir zamanlama farkları) kaynaklanmakta ve “borçlanma” metodu kullanılarak cari vergi oranı üzerinden hesaplanmaktadır.Deferred tax assets and liabilities for accounting and taxation treatment is calculated using the debt method over the current tax rate as a result of various important timing differences caused (future taxable timing differences).
Turkish » English - Financial Translation (Investment)Emsal düzeltme analizinde bölgede imarsız arazilerin m2 birim fiyatlarının konumuna ve yapılaşma şartlarına göre 40– 50 USD/m² aralığında olduğu ve genel yapılaşma şartının olmadığı boş arsa değerinin emsal veriler ve emlak ofisleri görüşleri doğrultusunda 40 – 50 USD/m² arasında olacağı tespit edilmiştir.In the peer adjustment analysis, it has been determined that m2 unit price of vacant fields in the vicinity is within the range of 40 – 50 USD/m² depending on the location and housing rights, and that m2 unit price of vacant fields with no general housing rights in the vicinity is within the range of 40 – 50 USD/m² in line with peer data and views of the real estate agencies.
English » Turkish - Technical Translation (Technical and engineering)When activated the sign is illuminated Red and the corner light clusters will also flash in opposition, top and bottom.Aktive olduğunda işaret Kırmızı olarak aydınlanır ve köşedeki ışık kümeleri üst - alt şekilde karşılıklı yanıp söneri.
English » Turkish - Website TranslationHarry Potter Studio Tour departing Central London at 3pm15:00'de merkez Londra'dan kalkan Harry Potter Stüdyosu Turu
English » Turkish - Website TranslationYou agree to use the DealBroker reservation system and DealBroker-partner websites only for lawful purposes, and in a way that does not infringe the rights of, restrict or inhibit anyone else's use and enjoyment of the DealBroker reservation system.DealBroker rezervasyon sistemini ve DealBroker-partner web sitesini sadece yasal amaçlarla ve başka herhangi birinin DealBroker rezervasyon sistemini kullanma ve faydalanma haklarını ihlal etmeyecek, kısıtlamayacak veya engellemeyecek şekilde kullanmayı kabul etmiş sayılırsınız.
English » Turkish - Legal Translation (Regulation)The feeding of bee colonies shall only be permitted where the survival of the hives is endangered due to climatic conditions and only between the last honey harvest and 15 days before the startArı kolonilerinin beslenmesine yalnızca kovanların iklim koşulları nedeniyle hayatta kalmalarının tehlike altında olduğu ve sadece son bal hasatı ile bir sonraki nektar veya tatlı özsu akışı başlangıcından önceki
English » Turkish - Website TranslationTour or Package Commencing During a Special Event Period These are non-refundable in all circumstances.Özel bir Etkinlik Döneminde Başlayan Tur veya Paket Bunlar için hiç bir şart altında para iadesi yapılmaz.