About SOYKARA - Turkish, English translator
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Our translation office offers you the opportunity to choose the most suitable translator for the characteristics of your translation. Below is the information of one of our translators working in Turkish, English languages. If you want to work with this translator, all you have to do is submit your translation to our office by clicking on the link "I want to work with this translator" and then "Send your translation now".
Language/Branch/Capacity Information
- Language Pairs
- English » Turkish: 5000 characters (800 Words)
Fields of Expertise:
Financial, Literary, Tourism, Social Sciences
Education Information
Aegean University -
none | 2010
Job experience
Experience: 12 year(s)
academy publishing / 2010 eylül -2012 şubat
Duty: English educational books writer / translator
Translator's Sample Translations
English » Turkish - Financial Translation (Banking and investment)Products that have a higher risk of bribery and corruption include:Daha yüksek yolsuzluk ve rüşvetçilik riski olan ürünler şunlardır:
English » Turkish - Financial Translation (Banking and investment)This does not apply to the following:Bu aşağıdakiler için geçerli değildir:
English » Turkish - Financial Translation (Banking and investment)The table below lists the control deficiencies that were identified within the scope of the current audit.Aşağıdaki tablo mevcut denetlemenin kapsamı içerisinde tespit edilmiş kontrol eksikliklerini listelemektedir.
English » Turkish - Financial Translation (Banking and investment)Will the BP be doing work that requires frequent interaction with government / public officials (including customs officials, government agencies, or government controlled entities)?İO hükümet / kamu yetkilileriyle sık iletişim gerektiren (gümrük yetkilileri, devlet kurumları veya devlet kontrolündeki kuruluşlar dahil) işler mi yapacak?
English » Turkish - Financial Translation (Banking and investment)5.4.4 Cases which are not considered as insider trading and manipulation5.4.4 İçeriden işlem ve manipülasyon olarak görülmeyen durumlar
English » Turkish - Financial Translation (Banking and investment)- has in place, maintains and further develops adequate control measures, ethics and compliance programmes and measures for preventing Bribery, level of which is based on various risk assessments;- Düzeyi çeşitli risk değerlendirmelerine dayalı olan, Rüşvetçiliğin önlenmesine yönelik yeterli kontrol tedbirleri, ahlak kuralları ve uyum programları ve önlemleri mevcuttur, bunları sürdürür ve daha da geliştirir;
English » Turkish - Financial Translation (Banking and investment)Consideration should be given to how risk factors such as: the internal and external environment, complexity of business activity, volume of processing, level of automation etc. may impact the control environment needed to support compliance with this Policy.Kurum içi ve dış ortam, iş faaliyetinin karmaşıklığı, işlem hacmi, otomasyon düzeyi vb. gibi risk faktörlerinin bu Politikaya uygunluğun desteklenmesi için ihtiyaç duyulan kontrol ortamını nasıl etkileyeceği göz önüne alınmalıdır.
Other information & experiences
I have been in America for 4 months.