About EREN K. - Turkish, English translator
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One of the types of translation that needs to be studied most meticulously is academic translation. When studies such as abstracts, articles, and theses are to be submitted to international publications, translations that comply with the writing style of the academy are expected. The qualifications of Mr. Eren, one of our Ankara English translators, are especially suitable for this type of translation. Therefore, it is one of the best options if you are going to have a work translated that will be published in international journals.
Features that Make a Translator DifferentEren Bey has a bachelor's degree in business administration from METU. Then he completed his master's degree in Sociology at the same university. That is, he has expertise in finance and sociology. However, what makes him different is his presence in the USA for many years and his professional work in translation. He also worked as an academician in this country for 8 months. He is American journal He worked in a senior position at Experts. This company's sole service is translation services for academic publications worldwide.
The probability that translations you work with a translator with these qualifications will be rejected due to language reasons is very low. If you work with us to perfectly translate your articles, for which you have spent a lot of time and effort, you will not have any problems.
How can you have your translation done by Mr. Eren?If you find the translator suitable according to the information on this page, you can work with him in two ways: The first option is to click on the "I Want to Work with This Translator" link. The page that will open is the translation order page. Upload your document here. Then fill in the requested information for the order. When you submit the form, your file is delivered to Mr. Eren via our online translation system and the process begins. The second option is to indicate that you would like to have a translator use the number 1071 when sending your document to us via e-mail. We will confirm you shortly after your request is received.
What Are Your Other Academic English Translator Options?We have many academic translators, such as Mr. EREN, affiliated with our Translation Office. Each of them has master's or even doctorate level education in different fields. Visit the translator selection page' where we offer these translators in English. For example, you can see the English academic translator page for a list of similar alternatives. You can find the most suitable translator for your translation by browsing through the profiles of many translators.
Language/Branch/Capacity Information
- Language Pairs
- English » Turkish: 40000 characters (6400 Words)
- Turkish » English: 15000 characters (2400 Words)
Fields of Expertise:
Academic, Financial, Social Sciences
Education Information
M.E.T.U -
Business | 2008
M.E.T.U -
Sociology | 2012
Job experience
Experience: 15 year(s)
American Journal Experts / 2011-2012
Duty: senior translator
Translator's Sample Translations
English » Turkish - Social Sciences Translations (Psychology)When appropriate, my child speaks to store clerks and/or waiters.Uygun olduğunda, çocuğum mağaza görevlileri ve/veya garsonlarla konuşur.
English » Turkish - Academic TranslationForce to shear uncooked (a) and cooked (b) sausages stuffed into manufactured collagen (MC1 = ‘tender breakfast'; MC2 = ‘breakfast sausage'; MC3 = ‘European wiener'; MC4 = ‘processed sausage') and sheep casings (SH) lengthwise and widthwise.Üretilmiş kolajen e(MC1 - hafif kahvaltılık MC2 - kahvaltılık sosis MC2 - Avrupa Wiener MC4 - işlenmiş sosis) ve koyun kılıflarıa (SH) içi uzunlamasına ve enlemesine doldurulmuş pişmemiş (a) ve pişmiş (b) sosisleri kesmek için gereken kuvvet.
English » Turkish - Social Sciences Translations (Psychology)Overall, how much does your child's not talking bother you?Genel anlamda, çocuğunuzun konuşmaması sizi ne kadar rahatsız ediyor?
English » Turkish - Academic TranslationThe study started in October 2014.Çalışma Ekim 2014'te başlatıldı.
English » Turkish - Academic Translation (Documents and certificates)However, each school may elect to use unique grading options.Ancak, her bir okul özgün notlama seçeneklerini kullanmayı seçebilir.
English » Turkish - Academic Translation (Documents and certificates)A student may be suspended from student status if the student's work is of unsatisfactory quality, or for misconduct, and not permitted to register.Bir öğrencinin öğrencili durumu, çalışmaları yetersiz nitelikteyse, veya bir olumsuz davranış için ve kaydına izin verilmezse askıya alınabilir.
English » Turkish - Academic TranslationPatients with chronic renal failure suffer from so-called renal anemia, which is responsible for much of the morbidity of renal failure.Kronik böbrek yetmezliği olan hastalar, böbrek yetmezliğine bağlı morbiditelerin büyük bölümünden sorumlu olan yaygın adıyla böbrek anemisinden muzdariptirler.
Turkish » English - Academic Translation (Chemistry)İlk Reynolds sayısı için deneysel sonuçla sayısal analiz arasında %1.31'lik bir azalma meydana gelmiştir.For the first Reynolds number, the experimental value is 1.31% lower than the numerical value.
Turkish » English - Academic Translation (Chemistry)İlk Reynolds sayısı için deneysel sonuçla sayısal analiz arasında %2.36'lık bir azalma meydana gelmiştir.For the first Reynolds number, the experimental value is 2.36% lower than the numerical value.
Turkish » English - Academic Translation (Chemistry)Takip eden Reynolds sayıları arasında sırasıyla %3.67, %4.07, %4.19 ve %4.22'lik bir değer kaybı meydana gelmiştir.The decrease in the value for subsequent Reynolds numbers are 3.7%, 4.07%, 4.19% and 4.22%, respectively.
Turkish » English - Social Sciences Translations (Statistics)Bilgi aktarımının neden gerekmediğiReason why information transfer was not needed: / Bilgi aktarımının neden gerekmediği
Turkish » English - Academic Translation (Chemistry)OA-1 ısı alıcısı 200 mm kanatçık boyu için sayısal analiz ve deneysel sonuçları karşılaştırdığımızda her iki sonuçta da Nusselt sayısı Reynolds sayısı ile artış göstermiştir.Comparing the results of numerical and experimental analyses for OH-1 heat receiver with 200-mm fin height, it is observed that the Nusselt number increases with increasing Reynolds number in both analysis.
Turkish » English - Social Sciences Translations (Education)GNO = Toplam Puan / Toplam KrediGPA = Total Score / Total Credits
Turkish » English - Academic Translation (Chemistry)Deneysel çalışmalar sonucunda optimum altıgen kanatçıklı ısı alıcıları için Ns,a oranı hız artışı (artan Reynolds sayısı) ve kanat boyu arttıkça artış göstermiştir.In the experimental studies, Ns,a rate of heat receivers with optimum hexagonal fins increased with increasing flow rate (increasing Reynolds number) and increasing fin height.