About ASIM E. Y. - Turkish, English, German translator
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If you are looking for translators with technical content from English and German to Turkish and from Turkish to these languages, you have reached the right page. After reviewing Mr. Asım's information below, you will not need to look any further.
Unique Competences in English and German Languages and in the Technical FieldOur translator is equipped with bachelor's, master's and doctoral degrees in electronic engineering. This combines an exceptional educational background with both language and engineering skills in complex technical matters. These form the basis for his ability to make his translations linguistically error-free and technically correct.
Sector Experienced Expert TranslatorHe has worked as an R&D engineer and project manager in Turkey's leading electronics companies for many years. Thus, it brings a unique command of detailed terminologies in the field of engineering. This unique work experience enabled him to master industry terminology when translating technical documents and projects. In addition, he has the ability to work effectively in academic, medical and financial translations.
Language Proficiency: Expertise in Three LanguagesAsım EY has excellent command of English, Turkish and German languages. The ability to go beyond language and understand cultural contexts completely eliminates language barriers. This competence, which provides clarity and sharpness in communication, will return to you reliable and complete translations. As a professional who guarantees perfect results for every project, you can ensure success in your projects by working with him.
Language/Branch/Capacity Information
- Language Pairs
- English » Turkish: 7000 characters (1120 Words)
- German » English: 15000 characters (2400 Words)
- Turkish » English: 5000 characters (800 Words)
Fields of Expertise:
Technical, Academic, Financial, Website, Social Sciences
Education Information
M.E.T.U -
Electrical electronics Engineering | 1997
M.E.T.U -
Electrical electronics Engineering | 2000
M.E.T.U -
Electrical electronics Engineering | 2007
Job experience
Experience: 25 year(s)
ASELSAN / 1996 - 1999
Duty: R&D Engineer
STM A.Ş. / 1999-2003
Duty: R&D Engineer
HAVELSAN / 2003-2007
Duty: Project supervisor
Translator's Sample Translations
Turkish » English - Financial Translation (Banking and investment)Bu kapsamda dış emsal olarak Tablo 29 ve Tablo 30'da görüldüğü üzere Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Merkez Bankası (TCMB) tarafından işlem tarihi itibariyle açıklanan piyasa döviz alım ve satım kurları esas alınmıştır.In this regard, external precedent was based on the market foreign currency exchange purchase and sale rates issued by Central Bank of Republic of Turkey (CBRT) as of the transaction date, as can be seen on Table 29 and Table 30.
Turkish » English - Financial Translation (Accounting)SM/SMMM/YMM irtibat bilgileri bu veri grubuna yazılacaktır.Contact information of SM/SMMM/YMM shall be entered here.
Turkish » English - Financial Translation (Investment)Şirketi ve Müşteriyi Tanıtıcı Bilgiler 3Introductory Information About The Company And The Customer 3
Turkish » English - Financial Translation (Investment)Yukarıdaki fikra uyarınca geçersiz sayılacak mülkiyet devirlerine ilişkin işlemler yapılırken, tapu sicil muhafızı veya memuru, «Mülkiyet intikalinin toprak ve tarım reformunun uygulanması açısından geçersiz sayılacağını» re'sen tapu siciline şerh etmekle yükümlüdür. ilgili bakanlık veya bakanlıklarca tarım dışı amaçlara tahsisi uygun görülen arazi hakkında, Toprak ve Tarım Reformu Müsteşarlığının bağlı bulunduğu bakanlığın olumlu görüşü alınmak kaydiyle, birinci ve ikinci fıkralar hükümleri uygulanmaz.According to the subclause above, when handling proceedings related with the transfer of ownership that shall be deemed invalid, title registry guardian or officer is liable to ex officio annotate that transfer of ownership shall be deemed invalid as per the land and agriculture reform. Regarding the lands that is allocated to purposes other than agriculture by related ministry or ministries, provisions of the first and the second subclauses shall not be implemented on the condition that approval of the ministry to which the Undersecretary of Land and Agriculture Reform is affiliated is obtained.
English » Turkish - Technical Translation (Chemistry engineering)In case of breathing difficulties administer oxygen.Solume zorlukları durumunda oksijen verin.
English » Turkish - Technical Translation (Telecommunication)Equipped Gorilla® Glass 3 against scratchÇizilmeye karşı Gorilla® Glass 3 mevcuttur
English » Turkish - Website TranslationMarmaris bay and Adaköy cruise including lunch and drinksÖğle yemekli ve içkili Marmaris koyu ve Adaköy tekne gezisi
English » Turkish - Website TranslationWe recommend you refresh or reload your pages and try again.Sayfaları yeniden yüklemenizi veya yenilemenizi ve tekrar denemenizi tavsiye ederiz.
English » Turkish - Technical Translation (Industrial automation)Figure 4-20 Field Communicator wiring diagram for the 3410 Series electronicsŞekil 4-20 3410 serisi elektronik aksamlara yönelik Saha İletişimcisi kablolama diyagramı
English » Turkish - Technical Translation (Construction)Excellent for displaying in shops, bars, pubs, clubs, restaurants, game rooms and anywhere you like.Mağazada, barda, pubta, kulüpte, restoranda, oyun odasında ve istediğiniz her yerde kullanılmak için uygundur.
English » Turkish - Technical Translation (Industrial automation)37 Cap Screws (for flangeless valve bodies) - see following table for37 Kapak Vidaları (flanşsız vana gövdeleri için) - gerekli numaralar için
English » Turkish - Technical Translation (Biochemistry)Blocked drains can lead to business closures, unhappy customers and even large fines.Tıkanmış direnler işletmelerin kapanmasına, mutsuz müşterilere ve hatta yüklü cezalara yol açabilir.
English » Turkish - Technical Translation (Biochemistry)How long from application should the surface be touch dry?Uygulamadan sonra ne kadar sürede yüzey dokunulacak kadar kurur?
English » Turkish - Technical Translation (Biochemistry)1.20 What type of person is susceptible to legionnaire's disease?1.20 Lejyoner hastalığına ne tür insanlar duyarlıdır?
English » Turkish - Technical Translation (Telecommunication)iButton (1-wire) support to protect dataVerileri korumak için iButton (1-kablo) desteği