Turkish, English translator - BILGEHAN A.

About BILGEHAN A. - Turkish, English translator

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Academic translations are generally requested to be published in periodicals abroad. Content sent to such serious publications is subjected to meticulous review by the magazine editors. Academic articles that are deemed inadequate both in terms of language use and content are rejected. This situation may result in studies that require intense effort not being published. In other words, both the academician's efforts and money are wasted. So, what can you do to avoid such problems?

The only solution is to show the sensitivity you show to your work in choosing the right translator. For this, you should examine the qualifications of the candidate translator. You should look at the field and institutions in which he was educated and the level of his command of the language. Experiences and work experiences abroad will also provide insight. And finally, you can also evaluate similar translations that the translator has made before.

We offer you the translator's profile pages so that you can quickly see and evaluate these issues. For example, on this page you can take a look at the information of the translator named Bilgehan A. He is the perfect translator candidate for your content in the fields of economics, international relations and political science in English. They have academic degrees in these branches. He also gained experience abroad in the USA,' where he received his doctorate degree. We recommend that you choose him, especially in academic and social science translations.

You can visit our translator selection page for all our translators in these and other fields. For example, you can find many alternatives for the German-Turkish language on the German academic translator page.

Language/Branch/Capacity Information

  • Language Pairs
    • English » Turkish: 10000 characters (1600 Words)
    • Turkish » English: 5000 characters (800 Words)
  • Fields of Expertise:
    Academic, Tourism, Website, Social Sciences

Education Information

University: Middle East Technical University - Economy | 2009
Degree: Koc University - International relations | 2011
Doctorate: Emory University - Political Science | 2012

Job experience

Experience: 13 year(s)

Translator's Sample Translations

  • English » Turkish - Website Translation
    Lunch, plus visits to key historical sites such as ANZAC Cove, Lone Pine, the Nek and Ari Burnu Cemetrart are included.Start your day with a hotel pickup or alternatively, board your air-conditioned coach near Topkapi Palace, and then travel south toward the peninsula of Gallipoli on Turkey's European side.
    Öğlen yemeği, ANZAC Bayırı, Yalnız Çam, Nek ve Arı Burnu Mezarlığı gibi tarihsel bölgelere ziyaretler dahildir.Otelden alınarak ya da Topkapı Sarayı yanındaki klimalı otobüsünüze kendiniz binerek gününüze başlayın ve Türkiye'nin Avrupa topraklarında kalan güneydeki Gelibolu yarımadasına seyahatinize başlayın.
  • English » Turkish - Website Translation
    You must print your voucher and bring it with you on the day of travel.
    Makbuzunuzun çıktısını almalı ve yolculuk günü yanınızda getirmelisiniz.
  • English » Turkish - Website Translation
    Your guided tour reveals the history behind this massive, regal complex of buildings, celebrated for their architectural perfection and a striking symbol of 16th-century Spanish power.Your tour of the World Heritage-listed royal complex takes you to the Royal Monastery of San Lorenzo El Real, built by King Philip II to house the remains of his parents, Charles I and Isabella of Portugal.
    Rehber eşliğindeki turunuz mimari mükemmellikleri ile öne çıkan ve 16. yüzyıl İspanyol gücünün sembolü olan bu büyük binalar kompleksinin arkasındaki tarihi ortaya çıkaracak.Dünya Mirası listesine girmiş olan bu kraliyet kompleksindeki turunuz sizi, ebeveynleri I. Charles ve Portekiz Kraliçesi İsabella'nın kemiklerini saklamak için Kral II. Philip tarafından yaptırılan San Lorenzo El Real Kraliyet Manastırı'na götürecek.
  • Turkish » English - Website Translation (Internet, e- Commerce)
    60.000,00€ (Tüm ikramiyeler toplamı)
    60.000,00 € (Sum of distributed wins)
  • Turkish » English - Website Translation (Products and catalogs)
    Bu cep telefonu numarası daha önce tanımlanan başka bir kullanıcıya ait.
    This mobile phone number is already in use for another driver identified previously.
  • Turkish » English - Website Translation (Promotion text)
    Esans konusunda dünya lideri ülkelerden Fransa, İsviçre ve Hollanda'dan yapılan ithalatla ticaret hayatına başlayan Flora Uçan Yağlar geleceğe umutla bakıyordu.
    Stepping into trade life with importations from world leader perfume countries France, Switzerland and the Netherlands, Flora Uçan Yağlar was looking into future with great hopes.
  • Turkish » English - Tourism Translations (Promotion text)
    15.YY da yapımı tamamlandığında Avrupa'nın en yüksek kilisesi olma özelliğini taşıyan 123,7m yüksekliğindeki St.
    we will visit St. Olaf Protestant Church, which was the highest church in Europe when built in
  • Turkish » English - Website Translation (Products and catalogs)
    Bu araca başka bir kullanıcı tanımlayabilmek için Kullanıcılar ve Havuz Araçlar sayfasından bu araca ait diğer kullanıcılardan birini silmeniz gerekmektedir.
    To identify another driver to this vehicle, you have you delete a driver already identified for this vehicle from the Drivers and Pool Vehicles Page.
  • Turkish » English - Website Translation (Products and catalogs)
    Garanti Filo İnternet Şubesi yüksek güvenlikli bir ortamdır.
    Garanti Fleet Internet Branch is a high security platform.
  • Turkish » English - Academic Translation (Chemistry)
    Takip eden Reynolds sayıları arasında sırasıyla %6.97, %6.01, %6.0 ve %6.0'lık bir değer artışı meydana gelmiştir.
    The increases for subsequent Reynolds numbers are 6.97%, 6.01%, 6.0% and 6.0%, respectively.
  • Turkish » English - Website Translation (Products and catalogs)
    Lütfen aracınızın arka lastik ebat bilgilerini girin.
    Please enter the size information of your rear tires.

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