About CAN D. - Turkish, English translator
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Our translation office offers you the opportunity to choose the most suitable translator for the characteristics of your translation. Below is the information of one of our translators working in Turkish, English languages. If you want to work with this translator, all you have to do is submit your translation to our office by clicking on the link "I want to work with this translator" and then "Send your translation now".
Language/Branch/Capacity Information
- Language Pairs
- English » Turkish: 15000 characters (2400 Words)
- Turkish » English: 15000 characters (2400 Words)
Fields of Expertise:
Social Sciences
Education Information
Gazi University -
Mathematics | -
Job experience
Experience: 15 year(s)
Iberotel Serra Palace / 06-2003 / 08-2003
Duty: Reception
Translator's Sample Translations
English » Turkish - Social Sciences Translations (Psychology)When my child is asked a question by his/her teacher, s/he answers.Öğretmeni çocuğuma bir soru sorduğunda, cevaplar.
English » Turkish - Social Sciences Translations (International Institutions / Collaboration)They must be proposed by one member-country.Bunlar bir üye ülke tarafından önerilmelidir.
English » Turkish - Social Sciences Translations (International Institutions / Collaboration)In as much as is practical, scientific activities as those mentioned above, should have representatives of the member-country.Uygulanabilir olduğu ölçüde, yukarıda belirtilenler gibi bilimsel aktivitelerde üye ülke temsilcileri bulunmalıdır.
English » Turkish - Social Sciences Translations (International Institutions / Collaboration)If an excess of papers appears, the Organizing Comnmittee may make a selection from these free papers.Eğer fazla sayıda makale ortaya çıkarsa, Organizasyon Komitesi bu bağımsız makalelerden bir seçim yapabilir.
English » Turkish - Social Sciences Translations (International Institutions / Collaboration)A. They will obtain the advice of selected experts who will be designated BSOHNS Program Advisory Committee.A. BSOHNS Programının atanmış Danışma Komitesi olacak olan seçilmiş uzmanların tavsiyesini alacaklardır.
English » Turkish - Social Sciences Translations (Psychology)Young children may be unable to grasp the concept of anxiety or the rating system, so information from parents and teachers can be emphasized.Genç çocuklar kaygı kavramını veya puanlama sistemini kavrayamayabilirler, bu yüzden ebeveynler ve öğretmenlerden alınan bilgilerin üzerinde durulmalıdır.
English » Turkish - Social Sciences Translations (International Institutions / Collaboration)A. The Administrative Board with the General Secretary shall prepare and submit to the General Assembly a financial report for the period following the preceding meeting of the General Assembly.A. Genel Sekreterli İdari Kurul Genel Kurul toplantısı öncesindeki dönem için bir finansal rapor hazırlayacak ve Genel Kurula sunacaktır.
Turkish » English - Social Sciences Translations (Education)İNGİLİZCE KONUŞMA BECERİSİ-11-2011-2312 VE SONRASIENGLISH SPEAKING SKILLS II - 2011-2312 AND ONWARDS
Turkish » English - Social Sciences Translations (Education)Değerli öğrencim Yasemin; kendini geliştirmek için kitaplar, dergiler ve gazeteler oku, okuduklarından elde ettiğin bilgi ve becerileri sana fayda sağlayacak şekilde, nasıl uygulayabileceğini düşün, günlük yaşantında uygula, uygulamaya başladığın bir işi sonuç alıncaya kadar bıkmadan takip et, yarıda bırakma.My Dear Student Yasemen, read books, journals and newspapers to improve yourself. Think about how you can implement the knowledge and skills you learn from what you've read in an availing way, practice in your daily life and never give up what you start to practice, follow it.
Turkish » English - Social Sciences Translations (Education)SAĞLIK VE ILK YARDIM (SEC DERS)HEALTH AND FIRST AID (ELECTIVE)
Turkish » English - Social Sciences Translations (Education)8.Sınıf Car arasında düzenlenen Futbol turnuvasına katılımınızdan dolayı teşekkür ederiz.We appreciate your particiipation to the Football tournament organized for 8th graders.
Turkish » English - Social Sciences Translations (Education)İskenderun Teknik ÜniversitesiIskenderun Technical University
Turkish » English - Social Sciences Translations (Education)IKİNCİ YABANCI DİL (ALMANCA-II)SECONDARY FOREIGN LANGUAGE (GERMAN-II)
Turkish » English - Social Sciences Translations (Education)Henüz olması gereken seviyeye ulaşamadı.She hasn't reached the expected level yet.
Turkish » English - Social Sciences Translations (Education)Gerek davranışların gerekse derslerindeki başarılarınla hep zirvede oldun.You have always been at top with both your attitudes and success in your courses.
Turkish » English - Social Sciences Translations (Education)TEMEL İNGİLİZCET (ELEHENTA«Y)-2Û11-2012 VESONRÂSBASIC ENGLISH (ELEMENTARY)-2011-2012 AND ONWARDS
Other information & experiences
I lived in Switzerland for 6 years (1988-1993) due to my family's duty.