About PINAR B. - Swedish, English, Turkish translator
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If you are looking for a sworn Swedish translator in Istanbul, your search will probably end on this page. Because you have reached the page of Ms. Pınar, who is a sworn translator in the most demanded fields in Swedish. These areas are medical translation, academic translation, legal translation and commercial matters. Apart from these, he also translates technical texts in the fields of construction and architecture.
Our translator, who is fluent in English as well as Swedish, has received training in the field of Architecture. Swedish is at native level. He was born in Sweden and completed his primary education in Sweden. It has been providing translation services between Swedish, English and Turkish for 24 years.
If the qualifications of our translator are satisfactory for you, you can forward your translation to him. For this, you can click the button below and order immediately. In this way, your order is uploaded to the online translation system. It is then transferred directly to him/her through this system. Or you can make a transaction by sending an e-mail to info@tektranslate. If you choose this method, please include the translator's name or number (1156) in your message.
You can find other alternatives and/or service details in this language on our Swedish translation page.
Language/Branch/Capacity Information
- Language Pairs
- English » Swedish: 15000 characters (2400 Words)
- Swedish » Turkish: 15000 characters (2400 Words)
Fields of Expertise:
Medical, Technical, Legal, Academic, Commercial
Education Information
Mimar Sinan University -
architecture | 1996
Job experience
Experience: 26 year(s)
Swedish Consulate General Trade Center / 1996-
Duty: Advisor
Translator's Sample Translations
Swedish » English - Legal Translation (Decree)Enligt 1 § 1 st. lag (199:116) om skiljeförfarande (LSF) kan ett skiljeavtal avse framtida tvister om ett rättsförhållande som är angivet i avtalet. Det krävs dock att den framtida tvisten ska ha anknytning till ett redan uppkommet rättsförhållande som konkretiserats så att det kan skiljas från andra rättsförhållanden (Lars Heuman, JT 2014/15 s. 455 ff. och Stefan Lindskog, Skiljeförfarande, 2012, s. 246 ff.)Madde 1, 1 kanun (199:116) gereğince, bir tahkim anlaşması (LSF) anlaşmada belirtilmiş olan ileri ki çelişkileri kapsamaktadır. Fakat böyle bir kapsam için ileride meydana gelecek olan olası sorun, daha evvel meydana gelmiş olan bir hukuksal durum ile alakalı olmalı ve diğer sorunlardan ayrıştırılmalıdır. (Lars Heuman, JT 2014/15 s. 455 ff. ve Stefan Lindskog, Skiljeförfarande, 2012, s. 246 ff.)
Swedish » English - Legal Translation (Decree)Vid kommitténs andra möte den 28 januari 2013 kom parterna bl.a. överens om att endast de som saknar skriftliga kontrakt, skulle omfattas av ”Termination Agreement”. Med anledning härav togs Tilläggsarbeten i kommitténs delöverenskommelse, se bilaga 4 (p.8, Minutes of the meetings of the Working Committé on the termination of the Construction Contract).Komitenin ikinci toplantısı 28 Ocak 2013 tarihinde yapılmıştır ve taraflar yazılı sözleşmesi olamayan işlerin “Termination Agreement” dahil olacağı yönünde karar almıştır. Ek işler böylece komitenin ek sözleşmesinde yer almıştır, bkz ek belge 4 (p.8, Minutes of the meetings of the Working Committé on the termination of the Construction Contract).