Turkish, German translator - YÜKSEL C.

About YÜKSEL C. - Turkish, German translator

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One of our German sworn translators, Yüksel Bey, is at your service for your translations in the fields of commercial, financial and social sciences. His command of German is perfect thanks to his 22 years of education. He completed his higher education in the field of economics. He also has 6 years of professional experience in Germany. He provides German translation work with the certificate of sworn translator in Istanbul. Another distinguishing feature is that it is very fast, especially in German-Turkish translation. So much so that it can translate 40 thousand characters (approximately 20 pages) per day.

We will provide you with a quality solution for your sworn translation needs between Turkish and German. You may need a sworn translation for legal documents and documents you will submit to official institutions. In this case, after your translation is completed, a statement will be written on the pages that the transaction was carried out by the sworn registered translator. Then the translator signs it and turns it into a sworn translation.

If you decide to work with our translator, what you need to do is quite simple: You can send us an e-mail ([email protected]) specifying the translator's name and number (1163). Or, you can click on the button below and the documents you submit will be sent directly to him/her.

You can also get support from him for German oral translations. For this purpose, you can get information by informing us about the place, time and content of the required service.

Language/Branch/Capacity Information

  • Language Pairs
    • German » Turkish: 40000 characters (6400 Words)
    • Turkish » German: 20000 characters (3200 Words)
  • Fields of Expertise:
    Commercial, Financial, Tourism, Social Sciences

Education Information

University: University of Bochum - Economy | 2011

Job experience

Experience: 15 year(s)

Üsküdar 8. Notary Public / 05.07.2015
Duty: German Translator

Translator's Sample Translations

  • German » Turkish - Financial Translation (Taxation And Customs)
    Die Bearbeitung besonderer Einzelfragen der Einkommensteuer, Körperschaftsteuer, Gewerbesteuer, Einheitsbewertung und Vermögensteuer sowie aller Fragen der Umsatzsteuer, Lohnsteuer, sonstigen Steuern und Abgaben erfolgt auf Grund eines besonderen Auftrages.
    Gelir vergisi, kurumlar vergisi, ticaret vergisi, birim değerlendirmesi ve varlık vergisi ile ilgili sorularda yapılacak işlemler ve muamele vergisi, ücret vergisi, diğer vergi ve kesintilerle ilgili tüm sorularla ilgili yapılacak işlemler için ayrıca görevlendirme yapılması gereklidir.
  • German » Turkish - Commercial Translation (Textile)
    Alle Schraubverbindungen am M ischkopf auf festen Sitz prüfen
    Karıştırıcı başlığı üzerindeki tüm vidalı bağlantıların sıkı oturduğunu kontrol ediniz
  • German » Turkish - Financial Translation (Taxation And Customs)
    (2) Werden im Einzelfall ausnahmsweise vertragliche Beziehungen auch zwischen dem Wirtschaftsprüfer und anderen Personen als dem Auftraggeber begründet, so gelten auch gegenüber solchen Dritten die Bestimmungen der
    (2) Belirli durumlarda istisnai olarak mali müşavir ile görevi verenden farklı bir kişi arasında da sözleşmeler akdedilmesi durumunda aşağıda No. 9 altında yer alan hükümler bu tür üçüncülere karşı da aynen
  • German » Turkish - Commercial Translation (Textile)
    Sicherungshülse (5115/5116) so auf Kuppelstange (1998) schieben, dass die gerundete Fase (A) am Innendurchmesser zum Ende von Kuppelstange (1998) weist.
    Emniyet kovanını (5115/5116) öyle kavrama çubuğu (1998) üzerine itiniz ki yuvarlak faz (A) iç çapta kavrama çubuğunun (1998) sonunu göstersin.
  • German » Turkish - Commercial Translation (Textile)
    Das Nichteinhalten der nachfolgenden Maßnahmen kann möglicherweise zu mittleren oder leichten Verletzungen führen.
    Aşağıdaki önlemlere uyulmaması muhtemelen orta dereceli veya hafif dereceli yaralanmalara neden olabilmektedir.

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