About EBRU B. - Turkish, English translator
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Our translation office offers you the opportunity to choose the most suitable translator for the characteristics of your translation. Below is the information of one of our translators working in Turkish, English languages. If you want to work with this translator, all you have to do is submit your translation to our office by clicking on the link "I want to work with this translator" and then "Send your translation now".
Language/Branch/Capacity Information
- Language Pairs
- English » Turkish: 5000 characters (800 Words)
Fields of Expertise:
Academic, Financial
Education Information
University of Trakya -
educational Sciences |
educational Sciences |
Job experience
Experience: 17 year(s)
Translator's Sample Translations
English » Turkish - Financial Translation (Banking and investment)An event driven review should at least take place in the followingBir olay bazlı gözden geçirme en azından aşağıdaki durumlarda
English » Turkish - Academic Translation (Education / Pedagogy)The Habsburg Embassy in Constantinople17. Yy'da İstanbul'daki Habsburg Elçiliği}
English » Turkish - Financial Translation (Banking and investment)- monitoring developments in relevant international legislation;- ilgili ulusal/uluslararası mevzuatlardaki gelişmeleri takip etmek -yeni veya
English » Turkish - Financial Translation (Banking and investment)also has properly documented due diligence policies and procedures pertaining to the acceptance, monitoring and review of customers, which take into account particular Corruption and Bribery risks.ayrıca müşterileri kabul, izleme ve incelemeye ilişkin, Yolsuzluk ve Rüşvet risklerini dikkate alan düzgün şekilde belgelenmiş durum tespit politika ve prosedürleri mevcuttur.
English » Turkish - Financial Translation (Banking and investment)Title Market Abuse PolicyBaşlık Piyasanın Kötüye Kullanılması Politikası
English » Turkish - Financial Translation (Banking and investment)- Immediate family members serving as an employee, director or- Rabobank'ın bir rakip, müşteri veya tedarikçisinin bir çalışanı, yöneticisi
English » Turkish - Academic TranslationEGNB activates target erythroid colony-forming cells by binding to two cell surface erythropoietin receptors.EGNB , iki hücre yüzeyli eritropoietin reseptörlerine bağlanarak hedef eritroit koloni-oluşturucu hücrelerini etkinleştirir.
English » Turkish - Financial Translation (Banking and investment)Committee should reflect this MI on sanctions, including breaches and recommendations.raporu ihlal ve tavsiyeleri de içerecek şekilde yaptırımlarla ilgili bu MI'yi yansıtmalıdır.
English » Turkish - Financial Translation (Banking and investment)In some cases, considering the local risks involved it could be necessary to provide for specific trainings on certain aspects of the Rabobank Group Framework or bring an existing theme under the attention again.Bazı durumlarda, söz konusu yerel riskler göz önünde tutularak, Rabobank Group Çerçevesinin bazı yönleri konusunda özel eğitimler sunmak veya mevcut bir konuyu tekrar odak noktasına getirmek gerekli olabilir.
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