Turkish, French translator - HANIFE T.

About HANIFE T. - Turkish, French translator

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Our translation office offers you the opportunity to choose the most suitable translator for the characteristics of your translation. Below is the information of one of our translators working in Turkish, French languages. If you want to work with this translator, all you have to do is submit your translation to our office by clicking on the link "I want to work with this translator" and then "Send your translation now".

Language/Branch/Capacity Information

  • Language Pairs
    • French » Turkish: 10000 characters (1600 Words)
    • Turkish » French: 10000 characters (1600 Words)
  • Fields of Expertise:

Education Information

University: Istanbul University - French Translation and Interpreting | 2009

Job experience

Experience: 14 year(s)

Translator's Sample Translations

  • Turkish » French - Technical Translation (Mechanical engineering)
    İhale hazırlıkları kapsamında sözleşme detaylarının incelenmesi, metraj çalışmaları, maliyet analizlerinin hazırlanması ve teklif verilmesi, ihale dosyası ve şartnamelerin oluşturulması, betonarme proje tasarımları ve mimari proje oluşturulması, saha ile teknik ofis arasındaki koordinasyonun sağlanması, müşteri görüşmelerinin yapılarak ihtiyaca yönelik en uygun ve ekonomik çözümlerin hazırlanıp sunulması,
    Examen des détails de contrant dans le cadre des préparations d'appel d'offres, travaux de métrage, préparation des analyses de coût et donner de l'offre, établissement du dossier d'appel d'offres et des cahiers de charge, conceptions de projet de béton armé et établissement de projet architectural, la coordination entre le bureau technique et le chantier, préparation et présentation des solution les plus économiques selon le besoin en réalisant les négociations clientèles,
  • Turkish » French - Technical Translation (Mechanical engineering)
    Es Yapı 60 Dairelik Konut Projesi (2006 Buca-İzmir)
    Es Yapı Projet de Logement de 60 Appartements (2006 Buca-Izmir)
  • Turkish » French - Technical Translation (Mechanical engineering)
    Hisse senetlerinin itibari kıymetlerinden yüksek bir değer ile çıkarılmaları, bu hususun genel kurul tarafından karar altına alınmasına bağlıdır.
    Les émissions à une valeur plus élevée par rapport aux valeurs nominales des titres sont soumises à la décision par l'assemblée générale.
  • Turkish » French - Technical Translation (Mechanical engineering)
    Maddesinde yazılı hususlar müzakere edilerek gerekli kararlar alınır.
    nécessaires en négociant les dispositions décrites au 409. article de Code de Commerce Turc.

Other information & experiences

I was born and raised in France. I completed primary and high school in Roanne, France. Since I returned to Turkey at the age of 15, my mother tongue is both French and Turkish.

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