About PELIN A. - Turkish, French translator
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French translation is one of the translation services that absolutely requires high language proficiency. For this, serious knowledge in French as well as Turkish is required. Such knowledge can be gained by having spent a long time in France and receiving education in French. Ms. Pelin, our translator number 1249 in Istanbul, has these qualities.
Another important issue is experience in the field of translation. Ms. Pelin has made high-quality translations for many local and foreign institutions since 2008. Between 2003 and 2012, he lived in two different cities in France for his university education. Paul Valery received his bachelor's degree in sociology from the University of Montpellier III and his master's degree in sociology from the University of Paris- Sorbonne IV. After his education, he did a four-month full-time internship at an institute specialized in international market research between November 2010 and March 2011. Then, he took on other project- based tasks in Paris. After returning to Turkey, he provides both language support to our French customers in their commercial processes in Turkey.
Although his education branch is academic translation and sociology translations , you can also have him translate with confidence for technical translations, legal texts , etc. In addition to written translation, you can also receive interpreting support for your meetings and commercial activities. It offers you the opportunity to choose the translator that best suits the characteristics of your translation. You can review the information on this page and commission him for your translations in French. For other translators with similar expertise, you can visit our French academic translator page.
Language/Branch/Capacity Information
- Language Pairs
- French » Turkish: 20000 characters (3200 Words)
- Turkish » French: 20000 characters (3200 Words)
Fields of Expertise:
Technical, Academic, Commercial, Financial, Literary, Tourism, Social Sciences
Education Information
Paul Valéry Montpellier III University -
Sociology | 2008
Paris-Sorbonne Iv University -
Sociology | 2010
Job experience
Experience: 17 year(s)
Count broadcasts / 5 ay
Duty: Translator-Book translation
Pen Translation / 2009-halen
Duty: Translator
Equinox / Kasım 2012-Halen
Duty: Simultaneous translation, commercial tracking
Translator's Sample Translations
French » Turkish - Tourism Translations (Food and drinks)Montage - Assemblage (cercle de 18 cm de diamètre)Montaj - birleştirme (18 cm çapında bir daire)
French » Turkish - Tourism Translations (Food and drinks)Etaler la couverture de chocolat sur une plaque tiède (50°C)Çikolata kuvertürünü ılık bir tepsiye yayın.
French » Turkish - Tourism Translations (Food and drinks)Battre légèrement les blancs d'œufs avec le sucre semoule pour les rendre mousseux et les ajouter à l'appareil.Yumurta aklarını ince şekerle çırpın ve kremamsı olmalarını sağlayın. Daha sonra karışıma ekleyin.
French » Turkish - Technical Translation (Chemistry engineering)40 Effet cancérogène suspecté - preuves insuffisantes.40 Kanserojen etki - kanıtları yetersizdir
French » Turkish - Tourism Translations (Food and drinks)Les Entremets Classique Lenôtre MasterHafif şekerli Lenôtre Master Klasikleri
French » Turkish - Technical Translation (Chemistry engineering)Doit faire l'objet d'un traitement spécial conformément aux prescriptions légales.Resmi düzenlemelere bağlı kalınarak özel işleme tabi tutulmalıdır.
French » Turkish - Technical Translation (Chemistry engineering)H336 Peut provoquer somnolence ou vertiges.H336 Uyuşma ve baş dönmesine yol açabilir
French » Turkish - Tourism Translations (Food and drinks)Déposer la moitié des palets sur plaque.Parçaların yarısını bir tepsiye koyun.
French » Turkish - Technical Translation (Chemistry engineering)Sensibilisation possible par inhalation.Teneffüs edilmesi halinde hassasiyete neden olabilir.
French » Turkish - Tourism Translations (Food and drinks)Monter au fouet en 2ème vitesse, les blancs d'œufs, la crème de tartre, un dixième du poids de sucre et les gouttes de colorants.Mikserle 2. hızda yumurta aklarını, krem tartarı şekerin onda biriyle ve renklendiricilerle çırpın.
French » Turkish - Technical Translation (Chemistry engineering)Afin d'obtenir des informations pour une manipulation sûre, consulter le chapitre 7.Güvenli kullanım hakkında bilgi edinmek için Bölüm 7'ye bakınız.
French » Turkish - Technical Translation (Chemistry engineering)• 14.7 Transport en vrac conformément à l'annexe II de la convention Marpol 73/78 et au recueil IBC14.7 MARPOL 73/78 Sözleşmenin Ek II ve IBC Kanunu uyarınca yığın halinde nakliye
Turkish » French - Commercial Translation (Business / Commerce (general))Yukarıda beyan edilen iş Sözleşme ve Şartnamelere uygun olarak ikmal edilerek (Geçici ve kesin) kabulleri yapılmış olup, iş bu belge ilgilinin isteği üzenine kendisine verilmiştir.On a réalisé les réceptions (Provisoires et Définitives ) du travail susmentionné en approvisionnant conformément au contrat et aux cahiers de charges, et ce présent document est délivré sur la demande de l'intéressé.
Turkish » French - Commercial Translation (Business / Commerce (general))370- DÖNEM KARI VERGİ VE DİĞER YASAL YÜKÜMLÜLÜK370- IMPOT DE BENEFICE D'EXERCICE ET AUTRES CHARGES LEGALES
Turkish » French - Commercial Translation (Business / Commerce (general))259- VERİLEN SİPARİŞ AVANSLARI259- AVANCES DE COMMANDE DEPOSEES
Turkish » French - Commercial Translation (Business / Commerce (general))302- ERTELENMİŞ FİNANSAL KİRALAMA BORÇLANMA MLY.302- COUT D'ENDETTEMENT DE BAIL FINANCIER REPORTE
Turkish » French - Technical Translation (Mechanical engineering)Taşev Projeleri (2003-2007 Çeşme)Projets de Taşev (2003-2007 Çeşme)
Turkish » French - Commercial Translation (Business / Commerce (general))37- BORÇ VE GİDER KARŞILIKLARI37- PROVISIONS DE DETTE ET DE CHARGE
Turkish » French - Technical Translation (Mechanical engineering)İş bu belge, 5510 sayılı Kanunun 4 üncü maddesinin birinci fıkrasının (C) bendine tabi olarak çalıştırılan sigortalılardan kaynaklanan borç bilgilerini içermemektedir.Ce présent certificat ne contient pas les informations d'endettement résultant des assurés employés conformément à l'alinéa (C) du premier paragraphe de 4ème article de la Loi numéro 5510.
Turkish » French - Technical Translation (Mechanical engineering)Bu kuruluş ve diğer Müteahhitlerle uzun süreli ikmal tedarik ve satış anlaşması yapabilir.Elle peut réaliser des contrats d'approvisionnement et de vente à long terme avec ces établissements et les autres Entrepreneurs.
Turkish » French - Technical Translation (Mechanical engineering)Borç Sorgulamaya Esas Alınan TarihDate de Référence pour l'Interrogation de l'Endettement