About DENIZ G. - Turkish, English translator
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The professional information of Ms. Deniz, one of our translators from Istanbul in the medical field, is as follows:
"I am an English-Turkish translator with a bachelor's degree in chemistry and a master's degree in physical chemistry. I also work in the pharmaceutical industry and have a doctorate in Pharmaceutical Chemistry. Due to my significant expertise in the pharmaceutical industry, I am able to accurately interpret scientific texts and articles as a pharmaceutical regulatory and product development expert. My degree and expertise in chemistry, especially physical chemistry, helps in the accurate and error-free translation of scientific texts. My understanding of drug development procedures and the chemical properties of the drug, It helps me better meet clients' expectations when interpreting pharmaceutical research.
Since my PhD is in pharmaceutical chemistry, I have gained extensive knowledge of drug compositions, modes of action , and analytical methodologies. As a result, I diligently translate technical documents and pharmaceutical research articles. , I grasp scientific vocabulary and integrate scientific accuracy into my translations. Thanks to my knowledge and translation skills, I am ready to translate your English and Turkish articles in the best quality. Based on my expertise in the pharmaceutical industry and chemistry, I can competently respond to your translation needs."
Field expertise is a parameter that must be taken into consideration for quality translation. Medical translation services are also provided by Tek Tercüme Office. If you want to achieve the best results in the translation of your texts in the field of chemistry and/or pharmaceutical industry, we recommend this translator.
Language/Branch/Capacity Information
- Language Pairs
- English » Turkish: 20000 characters (3200 Words)
- Turkish » English: 15000 characters (2400 Words)
Fields of Expertise:
Medical, Technical, Academic, Financial, Website, Social Sciences
Education Information
Aegean University, -
Department of Chemistry | 2000
Aegean University -
Kimya, Fizikokimya | 2004
MSc, Marmara University -
Faculty of Pharmacy, Pharmaceutical Chemistry | deva
Job experience
Experience: 18 year(s)
Mustafa Nevzat Pharmaceuticals / Mart 2006-Ekim2008
Duty: Licensing and product development specialist
MK Consulting / Şubat 2009-Haziran 2010
Duty: Licensing Officer
Soil Pharmaceuticals / Ekim 2011- Ekim 2012
Duty: Licensing Specialist
Translator's Sample Translations
English » Turkish - Technical Translation (Telecommunication)TCH is a leading global company in embedded computing solutions and services.TCH, gömülü bilişim çözümleri ve hizmetlerinde lider olan global bir şirkettir.
English » Turkish - Technical Translation (Biochemistry)Bacteria produce exoenzymes in response to food sources (macromolecules) in a waste stream.Atık akıntısı içerisinde bulunan gıda kaynaklarına (makromoleküllere) karşılık olarak Bakteriler ekzoenzimler üretmektedirler.
English » Turkish - Medical Translation (Maternity)How effective are copper IUDs when used as emergency contraception?Acil durum doğum kontrol ürünü olarak kullanıldıklarında bakır RİKA'lar ne kadar etkilidir?
English » Turkish - Technical Translation (User Manual)This manual furnishes all necessary information necessary for correct device use and appropriate maintenance.Bu kılavuzda cihazın doğru kullanımı ve uygun bakım için gerekli tüm bilgiler sunulmuştur.
English » Turkish - Technical Translation (Industrial automation)Follow all instructions during the installation, operation, and maintenance of this product.Bu ürünün kurulum, çalıştırma ve bakımı sırasında bütün talimatları takip edin.
English » Turkish - Technical Translation (Machinery)2014 Ancenis France Suspension 13.5 0.045 Complete cable wrap with dehumidification system2014 Ancenis Fransa Asma 13,5 0,045 Tam kablo sargısı, nem alma sistemli
English » Turkish - Medical Translation (Pharmaceutics)Specifically the number of injections and volume of each injection (in milliliters (mL)) will be provided.Özel olarak enjeksiyon sayısı ve her enjeksiyonun hacmi (mililitre (mL) olarak) size verilecek.
English » Turkish - Technical Translation (Industrial automation)Do not fully torque screws at this time.Bu aşamada vidaları maksimum tork değerleri seviyesinde sıkılamayın.
English » Turkish - Technical Translation (IT and telecom)Ensure unforeseen failures can be resolved quickly with minimum disruption to end usersÖngörülmeyen başarısızlıklar, son kullanıcılara minimum aksama ile hızlı bir şekilde çözülebilir
Turkish » English - Financial Translation (Investment)İlçemiz Merkezinde Su Ürünleri Kooperatifi ve Tarımsal Kalkınma Kooperatifi, Fıstıklı-Kapaklı Köyleri Su Ürünleri Kooperatifi, Mecidiye Köyü Tarımsal Kalkınma Kooperatifi, Hayriye ve Çevre Köyleri Tarımsal Kalkınma Kooperatifi, Fıstıklı Köyü Tarımsal Kalkınma kooperatifi ve Selimiye Tarımsal Kalkınma Kooperatifi bulunmaktadır.There are Aqua Products Cooperative, Agricultural Development Cooperative in the city center; Fıstıklı-Kapaklı villages Aqua Products Cooperative, Mecidiye Village Agricultural Development Cooperative, Hayriye and periphery villages Agricultural Development Cooperative, Fıstıklı Village Agricultural Development Cooperative and Selimiye Agricultural Development Cooperatives.
Turkish » English - Financial Translation (Investment)Beldiye Arsa Rayiç Bedeli Yöntemi,Method of Current Market Value of Municipality Land
Turkish » English - Technical Translation (IT and telecom)Cihaz aynı anda en az 50.000.000 (elli milyon) oturumu desteklemeli ve saniyede en az 400.000 (dörtyüzbin) yeni oturum açabilme kapasitesine sahip olmalıdır.The device must support at least 50,000,000 (fifty million) sessions at the same time and have at least 400,000 (fourhundredthousand) new login capacity per second.
Turkish » English - Financial Translation (Investment)Günümüzde getirdiği alüvyonlar ile Karadeniz'e kavuştuğu nokta dolmuş olan Riva Deresi geçmişte Karadeniz'den gelen gemilerin girmesine olanak sağlayan derinlikte olduğunu söyleyebiliriz.Today, the point where Riva Stream and Black Sea reached is filled with the silt brought. But we can say that in the past it was deep enough to make the ships from Black Sea enter in.