About GÜLŞEN K. - Turkish, English translator
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Our translation office offers you the opportunity to choose the most suitable translator for the characteristics of your translation. Below is the information of one of our translators working in Turkish, English languages. If you want to work with this translator, all you have to do is submit your translation to our office by clicking on the link "I want to work with this translator" and then "Send your translation now".
Language/Branch/Capacity Information
- Language Pairs
- English » Turkish: 12000 characters (1920 Words)
Fields of Expertise:
Technical, Academic, Literary
Education Information
University of Kocaeli -
Industrial Engineering | 2008
Job experience
Experience: 14 year(s)
ALPA Consulting / 2008 - Halen
Duty: Project Coordinator - Company Partner
Translator's Sample Translations
English » Turkish - Technical Translation (Telecommunication)13.3 e-Paper Wifi/BT Display Module Evaluation Kit13.3 e-paper Wifi/BT Ekran Modülü Değerlendirme Kiti
English » Turkish - Technical Translation (Biochemistry)The special flute design allows the extractors to bite into the hardest grade of bolts for successful extraction.Özel yiv tasarımı, başarılı bir sökme için sökücülerin en sert sınıf cıvataları delmesini sağlar.
English » Turkish - Technical Translation (Mechanical engineering)After cleaning, the visual inspection shall be carried out for the surface of the steel wire in the socketing section and the surface which shall be free from adhered paraffin wax and impurities.Temizleme sonrasında, soketleme kesitindeki çelik telin yüzeyi gözle muayene edilir ve yapışmış parafin mumu ve safsızlıklar bulunmadığından emin olunur.
English » Turkish - Technical Translation (Biochemistry)Drag each statement to the correct position and click submit to check your answer.Her bir cümleyi doğru konumuna sürükleyip, cezanızı kontrol etmek için onaylayınız.
English » Turkish - Technical Translation (Printing)We will contact you as soon as possibleSizinle en kısa sürede irtibata geçeceğiz
English » Turkish - Technical Translation (Biochemistry)The appliance is designed in such a way that a waste battery can be readily removed from it, by a trained service engineer.Teçhizat, kullanılmış/atık bataryanın eğitimli bir serrvis mühendisi tarafından kolay bir şekilde sökülebileceği şekilde tasarlanmıştır.
English » Turkish - Technical Translation (Telecommunication)Analytic functions including People Counting, Heatmap Analysis, Face Analysis and POS MonitorKişi Sayımı, Isı Haritası Analizi, Yüz Analizi ve POS Monitörünü içeren analitik işlevler
English » Turkish - Technical Translation (Biochemistry)Introducing Salvage 2+ (concept overview)Salvage 2+ açıklamaları (konsepte genel bakış)
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