About ÇAĞATAY I. - Turkish, English, Spanish translator
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Our translation office offers you the opportunity to choose the most suitable translator for the characteristics of your translation. Below is the information of one of our translators working in Turkish, English, Spanish languages. If you want to work with this translator, all you have to do is submit your translation to our office by clicking on the link "I want to work with this translator" and then "Send your translation now".
Language/Branch/Capacity Information
- Language Pairs
- English » Turkish: 20000 characters (3200 Words)
- Spanish » English: 9000 characters (1440 Words)
- Spanish » Turkish: 9000 characters (1440 Words)
Fields of Expertise:
Academic, Commercial, Tourism, Social Sciences
Education Information
Middle East Technical University -
Economy | 2005
Ankara university -
Comparative International Relations | 2015
Job experience
Experience: 18 year(s)
I have no Term Experience; I only translate individually from time to time. /
Duty: none
Translator's Sample Translations
English » Turkish - Commercial Translation (Regulation)Target Location of Locking DeviceKilitleme Cihazı Hedef Lokasyonu
English » Turkish - Commercial Translation (Marketing, advertising and PR)back: old grey and turquoise boxesarka: eski gri ve türkuaz kutular
English » Turkish - Commercial Translation (Regulation)-a cable break is present for both sensors (FM728/FM735)-her iki sensör için bir kablo kırılması mevcuttur (FM728/FM735)
English » Turkish - Commercial Translation (Contracts and reports)The Seller shall handover to the Buyer the installation drawings of the supplied equipment (one set) before receipt of the first advance payment in accordance with clause 4.1.1.Satıcı, Madde 4.1.1 uyarınca yapılacak ilk ön ödemenin alınmasından önce tedarik edilen ekipmanların (bir takım) kurulum çizimlerini Alıcı'ya teslim edecektir.
English » Turkish - Commercial Translation (Regulation)An basic requirement is that in addition the 10 minute mean value of the outside temperature is < P47.16 and that there is no cable break for the sensor (FM717).Dış sıcaklığın 10 dakikalık ortalama değerinin < P47.16 olması ve sensörde kablo kopması (FM717) bulunmamasıda temel ön şartlardandır.
English » Turkish - Commercial Translation (Regulation)None, because intentionally caused.Hiçbiri, çünkü kasıtlı olarak sebep olunmuştur.
English » Turkish - Commercial Translation (Regulation)Includes any products that may be described/observed as two or more distinct Garden Fencing products sold together, which exist within the schema belonging to different bricks but to the same class, that is two or more products contained within the same pack which cross bricks within the Garden Fencing class.Aynı sınıftan ancak farklı birimlere ait şemalar içinde mevcut olan ve bahçe çitleri sınıfı içinde iki veya daha fazla ürün içeren ve birlikte satılan iki veya daha fazla bahçe çit ürünleri olarak tanımlanabilecek/gözlemlenebilecek her tür ürün dahildir.
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