About MEHMET A. K. - Turkish, English translator
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Language/Branch/Capacity Information
- Language Pairs
- English » Turkish: 40000 characters (6400 Words)
- Turkish » English: 40000 characters (6400 Words)
Fields of Expertise:
Medical, Academic, Commercial
Education Information
Police Academy -
Security Sciences | 2016
Job experience
Experience: 5 year(s)
Translator's Sample Translations
English » Turkish - Academic TranslationThe anemia of chronic kidney disease (CKD) is mainly normocytic and normochromic.Kronik Böbrek Yetmezliğine (KBY) bağlı anemisi genellikle normositer ve normokromiktir.
English » Turkish - Academic Translation (Documents and certificates)MAJOR IN FILM AND MEDIA STUDIESSİNEMA VE MEDYA ÇALIŞMALARI ANA DALI
English » Turkish - Academic TranslationLong-term outcome of enzyme-replacement therapy in advanced Fabry disease: evidence for disease progression towards serious complicationsİleri Fabry hastalığında enzim replasmanının uzun dönem sonucu: ciddi komplikasyonlara doğru hastalık ilerlemesinin kanıtı
English » Turkish - Academic Translation (Documents and certificates)Final Examination to be repeatedTekrar Girilecek Final Sınavları
English » Turkish - Academic TranslationIf left untreated, the anemia of CKD is associated with several abnormalities.Eğer tedavi edilmezse, KBY anemisi bazı anomalilerle yol açabilmektedir.
English » Turkish - Academic Translation (Education / Pedagogy)The Habsburg Embassy In Constantinople In The 17.Century17. Yy'da İstanbul'daki Habsburg Elçiliği”}
English » Turkish - Academic TranslationCholine tartrate, Hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose (Glazing agent), Vitamin C, Siberian ginseng extract, Calcium phosphate (Anti-caking agent), Magnesium oxide, Vitamin E, Ferrous fumarate, L-Arginine, Inositol, Zinc carbonate, Niacin, Potassium iodide, Manganese gluconate, Beta-Carotene, Pantothenic acid, Vitamin K, Vitamin D, Cupric gluconate, Vitamin B12, Silica (Bulking agent), Magnesium salts of fatty acids (Anti-caking agent), Vitamin B6, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B1, Iron oxide (Colour), Folic acid, Titanium dioxide (Colour), Chromium-(III)-chloride, Sodium selenite, Biotin.Kolin tartarat, Hidroksipropil metil selüloz (Kaplama maddesi), Vitamin C, Sibirya ginseng özütü, Kalsiyum fosfat (topaklanmayı önleyici madde), Magnezyum oksit, Vitamin E, Demirli fumarat, L-Arginin, Inositol, Çinko karbonat, Niyasin, Potasyum iyodür, Manganez glukonat, Beta-Karoten, Pantotenik asit, Vitamin K, Vitamin D, Bakır glukonat, Vitamin B12, Silika (hacim artırıcı), yağ asitlerinin Magnezyum tuzları (topaklanmayı önleyici madde), Vitamin B6, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B1, Demir oksit (Renk), Folik asit, Titanyum dioksit (Renk), Krom-(III)-klorür, Sodyum selenit, Biyotin.
Turkish » English - Commercial Translation (Contracts and reports)GNB, herhangi bir zamanda NAKLİYECİ' nin taşımalarını işbu anlaşmaya uygun olarak ifa edebilmesi için daha fazla aracı aşağıdaki tabloda belirtilen zaman dilimine uygun talep edebilir.At any time, GNB may request more vehicles in line with the time schedule below to ensure the fulfillment of CARRIER's services hereunder.
Turkish » English - Commercial Translation (Contracts and reports)İzmit üretim tesisi deposundan, GNB'nun EK-1'deki listede belirtilen tüm terminallerine(................) miktarı GNB opsiyonunda olmak üzere, yaklaşık ................... ton (ortalama haftada ....... sefer/terminal) GNB nun tercihine bağlı olarak KATKI maddesinin, ambalajlı , paletli yükleme ve/veya tanker üzerine dökme yük esasına göre taşınmasına ilişkin sözleşmedir..This Contract is about transportation of around ………………. ton (average …… navigation/terminal a week) ADDITIVE, an amount of ………….. to be at SPO's option from the storage of Izmit production facility to all terminals of GNB specified in the list in APPENDIX-1 on the basis of packed, palletized loads and/or bulk cargo on tanker at SPO's option.
Turkish » English - Commercial Translation (Contracts and reports)Hasarlanan miktara isabet eden ve Yükleme Ünitesi Depo Fiyatı (KDV dahil) üzerinden hesaplanacak mal bedeli YÜKLENİCİ,'nin istihkaklarından ve/veya kesin teminat mektubundan kesilecek, ayrıca hasarlanan ve/veya eksik çıkan miktar için navlun ödenmeyecektirCost of the goods corresponding to the damaged quantity and to be calculated based on the Warehouse Price of Loading Unit (VAT-included) shall be deducted from remunerations and/or warranty letter of the CONTRACTOR; in addition, no freight rate shall be paid for damaged and/or missing quantity.
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