About ÖMER A. - Turkish, English translator
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Our translation office offers you the opportunity to choose the most suitable translator for the characteristics of your translation. Below is the information of one of our translators working in Turkish, English languages. If you want to work with this translator, all you have to do is submit your translation to our office by clicking on the link "I want to work with this translator" and then "Send your translation now".
Language/Branch/Capacity Information
- Language Pairs
- English » Turkish: 5000 characters (800 Words)
- Turkish » English: 45000 characters (7200 Words)
Fields of Expertise:
Academic, Commercial, Financial, Literary, Tourism, Website, Social Sciences
Education Information
Cumhuriyet University -
Translation and Interpreting (English-French) | 2016
Job experience
Experience: 11 year(s)
ar-ba construction medical ltd. / 04-2013/10-2013
Duty: translator and foreign affairs officer
Translator's Sample Translations
English » Turkish - Commercial Translation (Regulation)Is indicated when numerous defective bus cycles occur in the turbine control field bus.Türbin kontrol sahası veri yolunda çok sayıda arızalı veri yolu döngüleri gösterilir.
English » Turkish - Technical Translation (Chemistry)Essential vitamin, anti anaemic agent.Temel vitamin, anti anaemik ajan.
English » Turkish - Technical Translation (Mechanical engineering)To move Gantries and Turntable after assembly to lifting position, a sliding track will be used.Ayaklı vinç ve dönertablayı montajdan sonra kaldırma konumuna taşımak için bir kayar yol kullanılacaktır.
English » Turkish - Technical Translation (Construction)Also E7018 electrodes cannot be used to weld the root pass in an open butt joint without excess porosity.E7018 elektrotları ayrıca aşırı gözeneklilik (porozite) olmadan açık bir uçtaki kök geçişini kaynaklamak için kullanılamamaktadırlar.
English » Turkish - Technical Translation (Industrial automation)This section includes instructions for packing lubrication, packing maintenance, trim maintenance, and ENVIRO-SEAL bellows seal bonnet replacement.Bu bölüm, salmastra yağlama, salmastra bakımı, iç aksam bakımı ve ENVIRO-SEAL körüklü conta başlığının değişimine yönelik talimatları içermektedir.
English » Turkish - Technical Translation (Biochemistry)Brush biofilms top to bottom, and spray Everbrite Super on all surfaces (top of tank, overflow, etc.)Biyofilmleri baştan aşağı fırçalayın ve bütün yüzeylere (tankın üstü, taşma, vb.) Everbrite Super'i püskürtün.
English » Turkish - Technical Translation (Biochemistry)The users feet are not flat on the floor, yet their arms are approximately horizontal to the desk, so use of a footrest could benefit this user.Kullanıcıların ayakları zemin üzerinde düz değil, yine de kolları neredeyse sıraya yatay vaziyette, bu yüzden bu kullanıcıya bir ayak desteği faydalı olabilecektir
Turkish » English - Commercial Translation (Contracts and reports)Romörk; Stepne kontrolü Romörk; Jant (Pas-Deformasyon-Çatlak) kontrolü Romörk; Bijon kontrolüTrailer; Spare tyre control Trailer; Wheel rim (Rust-Deformation-Crack) control Trailer; Wheel nut control
Turkish » English - Financial Translation (Banking and investment)Mevduat faiz oranları sisteme doğru ve eksiksiz olarak girilmiş mi?Are deposit interest rates entered in the system as true, complete and accurate?
Turkish » English - Financial Translation (Investment)Taşınmazların eğimleri Güney yönden kuzeye doğruSlopes of the real estates declines from south to north
Turkish » English - Financial Translation (Banking and investment)Türk Eximbank, anapara taksiti ve faizden oluşan toplam tutar ile valör tarihini bir yazıyla aracı bankaya bildirir.Turkish Eximbank notifies the intermediary bank in writing of the total amount consisting of the capital installment and interest and the effective date.
Turkish » English - Financial Translation (Financial reports)Finans Sektörü Faaliyetleri Maliyeti (-)Expenses from Financial Activities (-)
Turkish » English - Commercial Translation (Contracts and reports)SGNB, tıbbi tahliye ile ilgili olarak sözleşmenin Kayıt ve Şartları kapsamında yükümlülüklerini yerine getirecektir - Yüklenici, yaralı taraflar için sorumluluk alabileceği bir plan ve kaynaklara sahip olacaktır.GNB shall fulfill its obligations under the Terms and Conditions of the Contract regarding medical evacuation - Contractor shall have a plan and resources that he can assume responsibility for injured parties.
Turkish » English - Financial Translation (Banking and investment)Harici garanti yurtdışı muhataba direkt mektup şeklinde gönderilmişse;If the external guarantee has been sent in the form of direct letter to the foreign payer;
Turkish » English - Commercial Translation (Contracts and reports)Patlayıcı ve radyoaktif materyalleri içeren faaliyetler EX bölgesinin 40 m yarı çapı dahilindeki faaliyetlerActivities including explosive and radioactive materials are the activities included in 40 m radius of EX region.
Other information & experiences
Translation turned into a job for me for the first time when I was in Iraq for a company and as of that day, I always tried to do this job in the most meticulous way. I studied in Poland on Eugene Nida's Perspective on Translation, which is perhaps one of the most important figures of the 20th century in the field of translation, which is still referenced in many studies.