About ERŞAH O. - Turkish, English translator
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Our translation office offers you the opportunity to choose the most suitable translator for the characteristics of your translation. Below is the information of one of our translators working in Turkish, English languages. If you want to work with this translator, all you have to do is submit your translation to our office by clicking on the link "I want to work with this translator" and then "Send your translation now".
Language/Branch/Capacity Information
- Language Pairs
- English » Turkish: 5000 characters (800 Words)
- Turkish » English: 5000 characters (800 Words)
Fields of Expertise:
Medical, Technical, Legal, Academic, Commercial, Financial, Literary, Tourism, Website, Social Sciences
Education Information
Cumhuriyet University -
English Language and Literature | 2014
Job experience
Experience: 14 year(s)
Dilmer Language School / 2011-2014
Duty: English Instructor- translator
Redstar Aviation / 2012-2013
Duty: Interpreter
Youth Republic / 2009-2014
Duty: Campus Brand Manager
Translator's Sample Translations
English » Turkish - Technical Translation (Mechanical engineering)Install vertical tubes for subframe up to 162m162m'ye kadar alt çerçeve için dikey boruların takılması
English » Turkish - Commercial Translation (Marketing, advertising and PR)The overlay cannot obscure the cardboard boxes located below.Kaplama alt tarafa konulmuş mukavva kutuları geçemez.
English » Turkish - Technical Translation (Biochemistry)The DT1 Drain Doser equipment ensures that FreeFlow Liquid is applied at the right time and under the right conditionsDT1 Diren Dozlayıcı ekipmanı FreeFlow Akışkanın doğru zamanda ve doğru koşullar altında uygulanmasını sağlamaktadır.
English » Turkish - Commercial Translation (Regulation)Includes any products than can be described/observed as two or more distinct electrical devices, specifically designed for towing or hitch, sold together, which exist within the schema belonging to different bricks but to the same class, that is two or more products contained within the same pack which cross bricks within the Towing/Hitch Electrical class.Aynı sınıftan ancak farklı birimlere ait şemalar içinde mevcut olan ve elektrikli çekme/taşıma sınıfına ait çapraz birimler olarak aynı paket içerisinde iki veya daha fazla ürün içeren ve birlikte satılan ve spesifik olarak araç çekme ve taşıma işlemleri için tasarlanmış iki veya daha fazla farklı elektrikli cihaz olarak tanımlanabilecek/gözlemlenebilecek her tür ürün dahildir.
English » Turkish - Technical Translation (Technical and engineering)Switch OFF the 24V Entry and Interior LED lighting.24V Giriş ve İç LED ışıklandırmayı KAPATINIZ.
English » Turkish - Technical Translation (Industrial automation)NPS 1 w/ 9.5 mm (3/8 inch) stem 32B4224X042NPS 1 w/ 9.5 mm (3/8 inç) mil 32B4224X042
English » Turkish - Technical Translation (Telecommunication)5M Camera Module for UTC-300 SeriesUTC-300 Serisi için 5M Kamera Modülü
Turkish » English - Commercial Translation (Contracts and reports)Müşteri tarafından talep edilen farklı adrese teslimat vs gibi bir durumda önce nakliyeciye haber vereceklerdir.In any event such as delivery to a different address requested by the Customer, firstly the Transporter will be informed.
Turkish » English - Financial Translation (Financial reports)Bu uygulama ile Gelir ve Kurumlar Vergisi mükellefleri;With this application, Income and Corporate Tax payers;
Turkish » English - Commercial Translation (Contracts and reports)GNB logolu bu araçları kullanacak olan YÜKLENİCİ personeline, bedeli YÜKLENİCİ tarafından karşılanmak üzere GNB tarafından kıyafet verilecektir.Clothing will be provided by GNB to the personnel of the CONTRACTOR -who will be driving the vehicles bearing GNB logo- at the expense of the CONTRACTOR.
Turkish » English - Commercial Translation (Contracts and reports)YÜKLENİCİ , her bir araç ürün taşınmasında üçüncü kişilere ve çevreye verilmesi muhtemel zarara karşı Tehlikeli Maddeler ve Tehlikeli Atık Zorunlu Mali Sorumluluk Sigortası yaptırmak zorundadır.The CONTRACTOR should execute Compulsory Insurance of Dangerous Substances and Hazardous Wastes per vehicle against any possible damages to the third parties and environment during the carriage..
Turkish » English - Technical Translation (Construction Material)Tablo1e' göre flanş civata somun sıkınız.Tighten the flange screw nut according to Table 1.
Turkish » English - Commercial Translation (Contracts and reports)Rüzgarlık, aynaları kontrol etti.He checked the air spoiler, mirrors.
Turkish » English - Financial Translation (Financial reports)Türk Ticaret Kanunu hükümlerine göre tutulması gereken yasal defterlerin noter tasdikli olduğu, 2009 yılı içindeki işlemlerin mevzuat ve ana sözleşme hükümlerine uygun olarak usulü dairesinde yapıldığı ve kayıtlara geçirildiği görülmüştür.It was found that, the statutory books that would be notarized and kept under the provisions of the Turkish Commercial Code, are duly made and recorded in accordance with the provisions of the main contract regulations and procedures for the year 2009.
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