About SIRMA M. T. - Turkish, English translator
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Our translation office offers you the opportunity to choose the most suitable translator for the characteristics of your translation. Below is the information of one of our translators working in Turkish, English languages. If you want to work with this translator, all you have to do is submit your translation to our office by clicking on the link "I want to work with this translator" and then "Send your translation now".
Language/Branch/Capacity Information
- Language Pairs
- English » Turkish: 15000 characters (2400 Words)
- Turkish » English: 15000 characters (2400 Words)
Fields of Expertise:
Medical, Academic, Commercial, Financial, Tourism, Website, Social Sciences
Education Information
Yeditepe University -
English Medicine | 2013
Job experience
Experience: 16 year(s)
Lingoturk Translation Services / 2009-2010
Duty: Medical and General Translator
Cylon Translation Services / 2010-2010
Duty: Medical Translator
System Publishing / 2012
Duty: Translation of the book "Yoga Anatomy"
Translator's Sample Translations
English » Turkish - Website TranslationDubai MuseumWater TaxiDubai MüzesiSu taksi
English » Turkish - Commercial Translation (Regulation)Determine from modules KFD2-UFC and KFD2-UFT whether in the displays the texts LB“, SC“ or Error Freeze“ appear.KFD2-UFC ve KFD2-UFT modüllerinden, ekranda «LB», «SC» veya «Hata Donması» yazılarının görünüp görünmediğini belirleyin.
English » Turkish - Commercial Translation (Regulation)Indicates, with reference to the product branding, labelling or packaging, the descriptive term that is used by the product manufacturer to identify whether the product claims to be shockproof.Ürün markalamasına, etiketlemesine veya ambalajlamasına atıfta bulunarak, ürünün, darbeye dayanıklı olduğunu iddia edip etmediğini belirtmek için ürün üreticisinin kullandığı tanımlayıcı terimi belirtir.
English » Turkish - Website TranslationContinue through the picturesque canals of Christianshavn and Frederiksholm, where historical buildings are to be enjoyed side by side with the newest in architecture.En yeni mimari ile inşa edilen binalarla omuz omuza duran tarihi binalrın seyrine doyum olmadığı canlı ve renkli Christianshavn ve Frederiksholm kanallarından ilerlemeye devam edin.
English » Turkish - Website TranslationYour transfer will be confirmed instantaneously and you will be provided with a travel voucher to present to the driver.It's that easy!Price is per person, based on 6 adults per car/vehicle.Transferiniz hemen teyit edilecek ve şöföre sunmanız üzere bir seyahat kuponu verilecek.İşte bu kadar kolay!Araçta 6 kişi olduğu üzerinden yapılan hesaplamaya göre fiyat kişi başı fiyattır.
Turkish » English - Commercial Translation (Contracts and reports)4.16 Takograf Cihazları ve hız limitleri;4.16 Tachograph devices and speedometers;
Turkish » English - Medical Translation (Gynecology)Genital Siğilleri ve HPV'yi Nasıl Önlerim?How Do I Prevent Genital Warts and HPV?
Turkish » English - Financial Translation (Financial reports)Kamu iştirakleri için ilişkili taraf açıklama gerekliliklerini kolaylaştırmak ve ilişkili taraf tanımına açıklık getirmek için UMS 24'de değişiklik yapılmaktadır.Clarifies the definition of related parties to facilitate the related party disclosure requirements for public investments made for changes in IAS 24.
Turkish » English - Commercial Translation (Contracts and reports)Seyir esnasında emniyet tedbirleri; Sürücüler seyir halinde aracın dolu-boş olmasına bakılmaksızın mutlaka emniyet kemeri takacaklardır.Safety precautions during navigation; The drivers shall wear safety belts at all times during the navigation regardless of the vehicle being loaded or not.
Turkish » English - Financial Translation (Banking and investment)Krediler Bölümü'nden onay alınamaması / alınmaması durumunda akreditif değişikliği ihracatçıya teyidimiz eklenmeden ihbar edilir ve akreditife teyidimizin eklenmediği muhabir bankaya bildirilir.In case of a confirmation cannot/is not been recieved from the Credits Department, the letter of credit amendment is advised to the exporter without enclosing our confirmation and the correspondent bank is informed that our confirmation has not been annexed to the letter of credit.
Turkish » English - Financial Translation (Banking and investment)Müşteriden Kredi Ürünleri Satış Grubu tarafından alınan Genel Kredi Sözleşmesi ( GKS ) kontrol eder.It checks the General Loan Agreement (GLA) obtained from the client by Credit Product Sales Group.
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