About ESRA A. - English, Turkish translator
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Our translation office offers you the opportunity to choose the most suitable translator for the characteristics of your translation. Below is the information of one of our translators working in English, Turkish languages. If you want to work with this translator, all you have to do is submit your translation to our office by clicking on the link "I want to work with this translator" and then "Send your translation now".
Language/Branch/Capacity Information
- Language Pairs
- Turkish » English: 5000 characters (800 Words)
Fields of Expertise:
Education Information
Middle East Technical University -
none | 2019
Job experience
Experience: 8 year(s)
Translator's Sample Translations
Turkish » English - Financial Translation (Investment)Doğu ve Batı yönlerinde sık 2B orman arazileri bulunmaktadır.There are dense 2B forest zones on east and west side.
Turkish » English - Financial Translation (Investment)Lütfü Kırdar Kongre Merkezi, İKSV Konferans Merkezi, CNR ve Tüyap Fuar ve Kongre Merkezleri başta olmak üzere çeşitli konferans, fuar ve toplantı fasilitelerinin devreye girmesiyle kentin dünya kongre pazarındaki yeri giderek sağlamlaşmaktadır.Position of the city in world convention market has been gradually getting stronger with various new conference, fair and meeting facilities particularly Lütfü Kırdar Convention Center, İKSV Convention Center, CND and Tüyap Exhibition and Convention Center.
Turkish » English - Financial Translation (Banking and investment)Banka Yazılımlarına Dışarıdan Girilebilmesi:Entrance to the Bank's Software from Outside
Turkish » English - Financial Translation (Investment)1972 tarihinden önce noterler veya tapu dairelerince düzenlenmiş olan bir resmî senede dayanan borçlar ile aynı tarihte kadar açılmış dâvaların sonuçlarına bağlı alacakların takibi dışındaki bütün cebrî satışlarda da uygulanır.follow-up of debts based in an formal deed issued before 2/7/1972 by notary public or office of the register of deeds and debts depending on the lawsuits opened until the same date.
Turkish » English - Financial Translation (Banking and investment)Vadeli ve Kabul Kredili İthalat Akreditif işlemlerinde;In The Import Letter Of Credit Transactions With Deferred and Accepted Credit;
Turkish » English - Financial Translation (Investment)Turizm Tesis Alanı Proje fizibilitesine göreBased on the feasibility of Tourist Facility Project
Turkish » English - Financial Translation (Financial reports)Bilanço tarihinden sonraki olaylar:Subsequent Events Post Balance Sheet:
Turkish » English - Financial Translation (Banking and investment)Üst yönetime yapılan raporların doğruluğu kontrol edilirAccuracy of the reports sent to the senior management is checked.
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