About ÇAĞIL E. - Turkish, English translator
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Language/Branch/Capacity Information
- Language Pairs
- English » Turkish: 12500 characters (2000 Words)
- Turkish » English: 7500 characters (1200 Words)
Fields of Expertise:
Financial, Social Sciences
Education Information
Istanbul Technical University -
Management engineering | 2016
Job experience
Experience: 12 year(s)
Translator's Sample Translations
English » Turkish - Academic TranslationIn order to help these symptoms, several different treatments, such as physiotherapy, neurosurgery, and oral medications containing cannabis extract, isoniazid or baclofen have been used.Bu belirtilerin giderilmesi amacıyla, fizyoterapi, nörocerrahi ile kenevir ekstraktı, izoniyezid veya baklofen içeren ilaçlar gibi çeşitli tedaviler kullanılmaktadır.
English » Turkish - Academic TranslationThe human erythropoietin gene is located on chromosome 7, encoding a protein of 165 amino acids with a molecular weight of 30,400 Daltons.Moleküler ağırlığı 30.400 Dalton olup 165 amino asitten oluşan bir proteini kodlayan insan eritropoietin geni 7. kromozomda yer alır.
English » Turkish - Academic Translationa-Galactosidasc activity (nmot/h'mg)a-Galaktosidaz aktivitesi (nmo/h/mg)
English » Turkish - Academic Translation (Documents and certificates)Computational Science & EngineeringHesaplamalı Bilim ve Mühendislik
English » Turkish - Academic Translation (Documents and certificates)Some graduate programs in Medicine, Law, and Business follow a one-year academic calendar.Tıp, Hukuk ve İşletmedeki bazı lisansüstü programları bir yıllık bir akademik takvimi kullanır.
English » Turkish - Academic Translation (Documents and certificates)Cumulative GPA and unit totals may not fully describe the status of students enrolled in dual degree programs of study, particularly those involving schools which use different grading scales.Kümülatif not ortalaması ve birim toplamları, özellikle de farklı notlama sistemi kullanan ikili derece programlarına kayıt olmuş öğrencilerin durumunu tam olarak tanımlamıyor olabilir.
English » Turkish - Academic TranslationSix placebo-controlled studies (pharmacotherapy) and four comparative studies (one stereotactic neurosurgery and three neurorehabilitation) were reviewed.Altı plasebo-kontrollü çalışma (farmakoterapi) ve dört karşılaştırmalı çalışma (bir stereotaktik nörecerrahi ve üç nörorehabilitasyon) gözden geçirildi.
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