About YULIA K. - Russian, English translator
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Our translation office offers you the opportunity to choose the most suitable translator for the characteristics of your translation. Below is the information of one of our translators working in Russian, English languages. If you want to work with this translator, all you have to do is submit your translation to our office by clicking on the link "I want to work with this translator" and then "Send your translation now".
Language/Branch/Capacity Information
- Language Pairs
- English » Russian: 6000 characters (960 Words)
- Russian » English: 5000 characters (800 Words)
Fields of Expertise:
Commercial, Tourism, Website, Social Sciences
Education Information
Siberian University Of Consumer Cooperatives -
World Economy | 2008
Job experience
Experience: 19 year(s)
GK Group Translation Company / Nisan 2015 - şu ana kadar
Duty: Reviewer
IREM International Transpose / Haziran - Kasım 2014
Duty: International Highways Transportation Staff
Sberbank Russia / Mayıs 2013 - Şubat 2014
Duty: Foreign Trade Operations Staff
Translator's Sample Translations
English » Russian - Technical Translation (Electronics)Easy maintenance with only one batteryЛегкое техобслуживание только одного аккумулятора
English » Russian - Technical Translation (Mechanical engineering)and the yellow and green earth wire to the terminal:а заземление (провод желтого и зеленого цветов) к вводу:
English » Russian - Technical Translation (Mechanical engineering)From your own experience you know that there are various objects on your person that can cause accidents: take off your ring, watch or bracelet; fasten your sleeves firmly at the wrists, take off your tie which could hang down and get caught in various places; long hair must be tied back with suitable accessories; wear sturdy footwear as required and recommended by accident-prevention standards all over the world.Вы знаете, что на вашем теле есть различные предметы, которые могут стать причиной несчастных случаев: снимайте кольца, часы и браслеты; Надежно закрепляйте рукава одежды на запястьях, снимайте галстук, т.к. он может свисать и попадать в разные места; Длинные волосы должны быть убраны надлежащим образом; Носите прочную обувь - это необходимо и рекомендовано по всем мировым стандартам, регламентированным для предотвращения несчастных случаев.
Russian » English - Commercial Translation (Products and catalogs)Celenes strengthens and revitalizes your hair and makes you feel good.Celenes укрепляет и наполняет жизненной силой ваши волосы и вы чувствуете себя великолепно.
Russian » English - Commercial Translation (Products and catalogs)*Helps prevent hair loss and support hair regeneration in permanent use;*Помогает предотвратить выпадение волос и способствует регенерации при регулярном использовании;
Russian » English - Commercial Translation (Products and catalogs)Thanks to its applicability to hair roots, it provides your hair and scalp with the necessary care through the vitamins, minerals and proteins obtained from herbal extracts.Благодаря нанесению на корни волос, кондиционер обеспечивает волосам и коже головы необходимый уход за счет входящих в его состав: витаминов, минералов и протеинов, полученных из травяных экстрактов.
Russian » English - Commercial Translation (Products and catalogs)Massage the shampoo into your scalp for one minute by using your fingertips.Подушечками пальцев втирайте шампунь массажными движениями в течении одной минуты.
Russian » English - Commercial Translation (Products and catalogs)Hair loss (Alopecia) is a problem that affects both men and woman.Выпадение волос (Алопеция) - проблема с которой сталкиваются как мужчины, так и женщины.
Russian » English - Commercial Translation (Products and catalogs)It replaces the dry and dull appearance and weak structure caused by various reasons but especially by the wearing impact of hair dye, with rejuvenated, flexible and strong hair enlivened through vitamin B5.Восстанавливает ослабленную структуру волос, устраняет сухость и тусклость, которые могут быть вызваны различными причинами, особенно окрашиванием волос. Входящий в состав шампуня витамин В5 делает волосы сильными и послушными.
Other information & experiences
My mother tongue is Russian. I studied World Economy (5 years) at Siberian University of Consumer Cooperatives. I can translate and review technical, commercial, IT, accounting documents, literary, tourism, website, bank documents, articles, personal documents, advertisements from Russian to English and from English to Russian. My native language is Russian. I graduated from Siberian University of Consumer Cooperatives (majoring in World economy). I have experiance as a free lance translator from English into Russian and from Russian into English. I also worked in foreign trade companies in Russia and in Turkey. My main areas of translation are technical, trade, IT, accounting records, literary, tourism, websites, banking, personal information, advertising materials, etc. I can also work as a reviewer.