About IBRAHIMALI - Turkish, Arabic translator
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Our translation office offers you the opportunity to choose the most suitable translator for the characteristics of your translation. Below is the information of one of our translators working in Turkish, Arabic languages. If you want to work with this translator, all you have to do is submit your translation to our office by clicking on the link "I want to work with this translator" and then "Send your translation now".
Language/Branch/Capacity Information
- Language Pairs
- Arabic » Turkish: 5000 characters (800 Words)
- Turkish » Arabic: 5000 characters (800 Words)
Fields of Expertise:
Education Information
Egypt's Ayn Shams University -
Turkish Department | 2016
Job experience
Experience: 11 year(s)
loti internet services san.tic.ltd.şti. /
Duty: interpreter
Kalemet for translation and service /
Duty: interpreter
Translator's Sample Translations
Turkish » Arabic - Technical Translation (Electrical engineering)Alüminyum eloksallı gövde içerisindeki ledlertalep edilen uzunluğa göre üretilebildiğinden küçük kullanım alanlarında rahatlıkla uygulanabilmekte ve tercihe göre önüne opal ya da şeffaf difüzör eklenebilmektedir.وبما انه يوجد إمكانية في انتاج الـ LED الموجودة في داخل جذع الالمنيوم المؤكسد على حسب الطول المطلوب يتم تطبيقها بكل اريحية في أماكن الاستخدام الضيقة ويتم إضافة ناشر اوبال او شفاف وذلك على حسب الرغبة.
Turkish » Arabic - Technical Translation (Energy)Termik Santralleri Elektro Mekanik Revizyonتحديث الالكتروميكانيكية للمحطات الحرارية
Turkish » Arabic (Marketing, advertising and PR)HARTUM Industrial Area North P.O.Box:المنطقة الصناعية الشمالية فى الخرطوم P.O.Box :
Turkish » Arabic - Technical Translation (Electrical engineering)Opal Poyraz armatür ofis, hastane, otel türü mekanlarda, içinde bulundurduğu birinci sınıf son teknoloji LED'ler ve driver ile uzun ömürve tasarruf sağlayan bir panel armatürdürمصباح اوبال بويراز، هو مصباح لوحي يحقق التوفير وطيلة العمر من خلال التكنولوجيا الحديثة الـ LED النخب الأول التي يحتويها والسواقات، وذلك في الأماكن مثل المكاتب، المستشفيات، والفنادق.
Turkish » Arabic - Financial Translation (Accounting)ARAÇ HASAR TANZİMAT YANSITMA GELİRLERمداخيل انعكاس تعويضات أضرار الآليات
Turkish » Arabic - Financial Translation (Accounting)Dönem Karının Peşin Ödenen Vergi ve Diğerضريبة ربح السنة الحالية المدفوعة وأخرى
Other information & experiences
I sent you my CV, all my experiences and references were written there.