About GOKCE E. - Turkish, Chinese, English translator
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Our translation office offers you the opportunity to choose the most suitable translator for the characteristics of your translation. Below is the information of one of our translators working in Turkish, Chinese, English languages. If you want to work with this translator, all you have to do is submit your translation to our office by clicking on the link "I want to work with this translator" and then "Send your translation now".
Language/Branch/Capacity Information
- Language Pairs
- Chinese » Turkish: 8000 characters (1280 Words)
- Turkish » English: 10000 characters (1600 Words)
- Turkish » Chinese: 8000 characters (1280 Words)
Fields of Expertise:
Technical, Legal, Academic, Commercial, Financial, Literary, Tourism, Website, Social Sciences
Education Information
Shanghai University -
Chinese Language | 2016
Job experience
Experience: 12 year(s)
Translator's Sample Translations
Turkish » English - Commercial Translation (Contracts and reports)f) YÜKLENİCİ'ye, yükleme yerinde teslim edildiği belgelenmiş, AKARYAKIT emtiasının yükleme tarihinden itibaren normal teslim süresi içinde tahliye yerine ulaşmaması ve YÜKLENİCİ'nin geçerli mazeret beyan edememesi durumundaf) The FUEL OIL commodity, delivered to the CONTRACTOR in the loading point certified, not reaching to the landing platform from the loading date in normal delivery time and the CONTRACTOR not being able to declare a valid excuse.
Turkish » English - Medical Translation (Gynecology)Parasetamol gibi basit ağrı kesiciler kullanılabilir.Simple painkillers such as paracetamol can be used.
Turkish » English - Commercial Translation (Contracts and reports)12.000 km'nin üzerindeki km'ler için değişken navlun maliyeti hesaplanır.Calculate the variable freight charge for each km exceeding 12.000 km.
Turkish » English - Commercial Translation (Contracts and reports)Seyyar motorlu araçlar (kaynak jeneratörü, elektrik jeneratörü, vb.) gibi araçlar tehlikeli bölge dışına yerleştirilmeli ve/veya gerekli önlemler alınmalıdır.The mobile engine equipment (welding generator, power generator, etc.) must be placed outside the danger zone and/or necessary measures must be taken.
Turkish » English - Commercial Translation (Contracts and reports)Dengeli bir iş dağılımı için elman doluluk düzeyinin %85-%115 aralığında kalması öngörülmektedir.For a balanced work distribution; the occupancy levels are expected to remain within the range of 85% to 115%.
Turkish » English - Commercial Translation (Contracts and reports)YÜKLENİCİ, halihazırda KATKI taşıması için yürürlükte olan ve ileride çıkabilecek her tür kanun, kural ve yasal mevzuatları uygulamakla yükümlüdürThe CONTRACTOR is obliged to apply all the law, rules and legislations regarding the transportation of ADDITIVES which are already in force and shall be enacted in the future.
Other information & experiences
I have 10 years of translation services.