About RANYA E. - French, English, Turkish, Arabic translator
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Our translation office offers you the opportunity to choose the most suitable translator for the characteristics of your translation. Below is the information of one of our translators working in French, English, Turkish, Arabic languages. If you want to work with this translator, all you have to do is submit your translation to our office by clicking on the link "I want to work with this translator" and then "Send your translation now".
Language/Branch/Capacity Information
- Language Pairs
- English » French: 5000 characters (800 Words)
- French » Turkish: 10000 characters (1600 Words)
- Arabic » Turkish: 10000 characters (1600 Words)
Fields of Expertise:
Education Information
Lebanese International University -
Mutercim Interpreter | 2013
Job experience
Experience: 12 year(s)
rainbow dil kursu / 2014-2015
Duty: French education
free translation / suresiz
Duty: none
Translator's Sample Translations
French » Turkish - Tourism Translations (Food and drinks)Enfourner à 180°C pendant 35-45min oura fermé180°C'de 35-45 dakika süreyle baca kapağı kapalı şekilde fırınlayın.
French » Turkish - Tourism Translations (Food and drinks)Détailler à la guitare ou au couteau de tour des palmiers à 6 mm d'épaisseur, poser sur plaque assez espacé.Mandolin kesici ya da bıçak yardımıyla 6 mm kalınlığında palmiyeler kesin ve çok aralıklı şekilde bir tepsiye yerleştirin.
French » Turkish - Tourism Translations (Food and drinks)Mélanger le Tant-pour-Tant amande avec la grosse partie du sucre.Badem tozunu şekerin büyük kısmıyla karıştırın.
French » Turkish - Tourism Translations (Food and drinks)Cuire au four à 165°C pendant 15 à 20 minutes ventilation ouverte.15-20 dakika süreyle 165° C'de fanlı fırında pişirin.
French » Turkish - Tourism Translations (Food and drinks)Dès la sortie du four conserver à l'étuve.Fırından çıkar çıkmaz etüvde bekletin.
French » Turkish - Tourism Translations (Food and drinks)Incorporer le beurre fondu dans une partie de la masse.Karışımın bir kısmına eritilmiş tereyağını ekleyin.
French » Turkish - Tourism Translations (Food and drinks)Incorporer le sucre glace, le Tant pour Tant amande, le sucre vanillé.Pudra şekerini, toz bademi ve vanilyalı şekeri ekleyin.
French » Turkish - Tourism Translations (Food and drinks)Serrer le tout avec le restant de sucre et laisser meringuer quelques secondes.Tamamını şekerin kalanıyla birleştirin ve birkaç saniye bezeleşmeye bırakın.
French » Turkish - Tourism Translations (Food and drinks)Réaliser une recette de crème pâtissière selon la recette de baseBaz reçeteyle pasta kreması reçetesi hazırlamak
French » Turkish - Tourism Translations (Food and drinks)Eplucher, couper les fruits frais puis les disposer harmonieusement sur la tartelette.Meyveleri soyun, kesin ve uyumlu şekilde tartöletin üzerine dizin.
French » Turkish - Tourism Translations (Food and drinks)Verser 600 g de pâte, étaler sur une feuille de papier cuisson.Pişirme kağıdı üzerine 600 g hamuru açın.
Other information & experiences
I spent my entire education period abroad (Beirut, Lebanon), so I have two mother tongues, Turkish and Arabic. I can translate all kinds of languages from these two main languages, both as a source and target language. I have studied English as a foreign language learned from primary school until high school, and I have studied English at the university, so I have a command of literacy and speaking in the four languages mentioned.