About MELTEM G. - Turkish, English, French translator
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Our translation office offers you the opportunity to choose the most suitable translator for the characteristics of your translation. Below is the information of one of our translators working in Turkish, English, French languages. If you want to work with this translator, all you have to do is submit your translation to our office by clicking on the link "I want to work with this translator" and then "Send your translation now".
Language/Branch/Capacity Information
- Language Pairs
- English » Turkish: 20000 characters (3200 Words)
- French » Turkish: 20000 characters (3200 Words)
Fields of Expertise:
Education Information
Marmara University -
Translation - Interpreting (French) | 2016
Job experience
Experience: 11 year(s)
Translator's Sample Translations
English » Turkish - Financial Translation (Banking and investment)Several measures related to Anti-Corruption are embedded in different policies due to the control framework.Yolsuzlukla Mücadeleye ilişkin birkaç önlem kontrol çerçevesi nedeniyle arklı politikaların bünyesine dahil edilmiştir.
English » Turkish - Financial Translation (Banking and investment)Appendix C of this policy summarises the relevant documentation to be collected depending on the risk classification.Bu politikanın Ek C'si risk sınıflamasına bağlı olarak toplanacak ilgili dokümantasyonu özetler.
English » Turkish - Financial Translation (Banking and investment)Consideration should be given to how risk factors such as: the internal and external environment,Kurum içi ve dış ortam, otomasyon vb. gibi risk faktörlerinin bu Politikaya uygunluğu desteklemek
English » Turkish - Financial Translation (Banking and investment)Politicallv Exposed Persons (PEPs)Siyasi Nüfuz Sahibi Kişi (SNSK'ler)
English » Turkish - Financial Translation (Banking and investment)- Staff risk: the risk that Rabobank employs or recruits personnel that is featured on a sanctions list or has existing personnel that is- Personel riski: Rabobank'ın bir yaptırım listesinde adı geçen personeli istihdam etmesi veya işe alması, veya halihazırda var
English » Turkish - Financial Translation (Banking and investment)monitoring developments in relevant (inter)national legislation, formulating and updating (on the basis of new or changed legislation and regulations) this Policy.ilgili ulusal/uluslararası mevzuatlardaki gelişmeleri takip etmek, (yeni veya değiştirilmiş mevzuatları ve yönetmelikleri esas alarak) bu Politikayı formüle etmek ve güncellemek.
English » Turkish - Financial Translation (Banking and investment)- Conduct or effect a transaction or direct an order to trade:- İşlem veya işlem emrinin meşru bir nedeni olmadıkça
English » Turkish - Financial Translation (Banking and investment)legislation and regulations) this Policy.bu Politikayı formüle etmek ve güncellemek.
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