About HASAN H. Ö. - Turkish, English, Japanese translator
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Language/Branch/Capacity Information
- Language Pairs
- English » Turkish: 35000 characters (5600 Words)
- Japanese » Turkish: 25000 characters (4000 Words)
- Turkish » English: 35000 characters (5600 Words)
Fields of Expertise:
Financial, Literary, Tourism, Website, Social Sciences
Education Information
Anatolian University -
Open Education Faculty Philosophy Department | 2017
Job experience
Experience: 12 year(s)
Chip Online TR / 2013-2014
Duty: Freelance technology news translations, authorship
SeoZeo / 2016
Duty: Blog translations (freelance)
Translator's Sample Translations
Turkish » English - Financial Translation (Investment)Tapu Sicilinde; XXXX ili, XXXX İlçesi, XXXX Mahallesi, XXXX Mevkii 25, 26, 27, 28 Parseller, 264 ada 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 parseller, 265 ada 1 ve 2 Parsel değer tespiti değerleme raporu.Appraisal report for valuation of lots 7424, 7425, 7426, 7427, and 7428, block 264 – lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6, block 265 – lots 1 and 2 at XXXX Site, XXXX -XXXX Highway, XXXX /XXXX according to the Land Registry
Turkish » English - Website Translation (Products and catalogs)Kullanıcılar sadece sizin eşleştirdiğiniz araçla ilgili bilgileri görebilir ve işlemlerden bazılarını yapabilirler.Drivers can only see information about the vehicle you have matched them with and can carry out some of the operations.
Turkish » English - Financial Translation (Financial reports)- Borsa Para Piyasası Müşteri Borçları- Customers' Payables to Money Market
Turkish » English - Financial Translation (Banking and investment)İşleme ilişkin temlik / belge /bilgileri Operasyon Bölümü 'ne iletir.It transmits the disposition/document/information concerning the transaction to the Operation Department .
Turkish » English - Financial Translation (Financial reports)Eksik yatırım raporu ile personel işe giriş – çıkış dökümü örnekleme esasına göre karşılaştırılmıştır.The incomplete investment report and employment start-end inventory was compared based on sampling method.
Turkish » English - Financial Translation (Investment)Yedi coğrafi bölge içinde yükseltisi en az olan bölgedir.It is the region that have the lowest elevation among the seven regions.
Turkish » English - Financial Translation (Banking and investment)Risk çıkışı ile birlikte komisyon da otomatik olarak sıfırlanır.Commission is also cancelled out together with risk exit.
Turkish » English - Financial Translation (Investment)Taşınmazın etrafı tel örgü ile çevri olduğundan ve kargir yapıların kimsesizler tarafından kullanılması nedeniye yapıların içi görülememiştir.Since the real estate is surrounded by wire fence and that the stone structures are utilized by the homeless, we couldn't get a sight of inside these structures.
English » Turkish - Website TranslationWhen making a booking, you will need to advise your flight details and your Amsterdam city hotel details.Rezervasyon yaparken, uçuş bilgilerinizi ve Amsterdam şehir otel detaylarını bildirmeniz gerekir.
English » Turkish - Website TranslationThe two valleys are named after the area's rouge-tinted rocks, and the sight of their landscapes as the sun goes down is sure to have you reaching for your camera.Stroll back to Kizilcukur and enjoy a well-earned rest at an outdoor café.Bu iki vadi bu bölgenin kırmızı kayalarından esinlenerek isimlenmiştir, ve onların manzaraları güneş batarken fotoğraf makinenize el atmanıza neden olacak. Kızılçukur'a geri dönün ve dışarıdaki bir kafede dinlenin.
English » Turkish - Website TranslationHead straight inside with your guide and enter the world's most extensive private collections of art.Hear the stories and secrets of the intriguing Vatican while following your guide through incredible rooms like the Gallery of Tapestries and the Gallery of Maps, a seemingly never-ending corridor adorned with intricately detailed Italian maps.Rehberinizle doğruca içeriye gidin ve Dünya'nın en kapsamlı özel sanat koleksiyonundan içeriye girin.Ilginç Vatikan hikayelerini ve sırlarını, rehberinizi Halılar Galerisi ve girift detaylı İtalyan haritalar ile süslenmiş hiç bitmeyen Haritalar Galerisi koridoru gibi muhteşem odalara doğru takip ederken dinleyin.
English » Turkish - Website TranslationFlight departs from Dubai Creek at 4pmUçak Dubai Creek'ten saat 16:00'da kalkar
English » Turkish - Website TranslationConfirmation will be received at time of bookingRome Municipality Authority may impose new regulations and restricted access for all hop-on hop-off tours in the city of Rome without warning.Onaylama, rezervasyon saatinde alınacaktırRoma Belediye Otoritesi yeni kurallar uygulayabilir ve uyarı yapmadan Roma şehrinde indir-bindir turları için erişimi sınırlayabilir uygulayabilir
Other information & experiences
I learned English and Japanese myself. Last year, I won the Japanese speaking competition organized by the Consulate General of Japan in Istanbul and went to Japan with my award plane ticket. I stayed for a week. Apart from that, I have a lot of translation work as a hobby. It's like subtitling foreign TV series.