About CIVAN D. - Turkish, English translator
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Our translation office offers you the opportunity to choose the most suitable translator for the characteristics of your translation. Below is the information of one of our translators working in Turkish, English languages. If you want to work with this translator, all you have to do is submit your translation to our office by clicking on the link "I want to work with this translator" and then "Send your translation now".
Language/Branch/Capacity Information
- Language Pairs
- English » Turkish: 30000 characters (4800 Words)
Fields of Expertise:
Social Sciences
Education Information
Marmara University -
English teacher | 2017
Job experience
Experience: 12 year(s)
Just English / 2013-2014
Duty: Student teacher
Istanbul Language Academy / 2014-2015
Duty: Teacher
Dilko English / 2016-
Duty: Teacher
Translator's Sample Translations
English » Turkish - Technical Translation (Technical and engineering)The Control Module has an integrated keypad and is mounted on the front of the Inverter Panel, above the Door Release Switch.Kontrol Modülünün dahili bir tuş takımı vardır ve Envertör ,Panelinin önüne, Kapı Bırakma Anahtarının üstüne monte edilmiştir.
English » Turkish - Technical Translation (Industrial automation)Because some valve body/trim material combinations are limited in their pressure drop and temperature range capabilities, do not apply any other conditions to the valve without first contacting your NSR Process Management sales office.Bazı valf gövde/iç aksam malzeme kombinasyonları basınç düşüşü ve sıcaklık aralığı özellikleri bakımından sınırlamalara tabi olduğundan, ilk olarak NSR Süreç Yönetim satış ofisinize danışmadan valfi başka koşullara tabi tutmayın.
English » Turkish - Commercial Translation (Regulation)The alarm deactivates the warning FM1273 Pit Blade Encoder Diff 1-2 Warn.Bu alarm FM1273 Pit Blade Encoder Diff 1-2 Warn uyarısının etkinliğini kaldırır
English » Turkish - Legal Translation (Regulation)(2) Refrain from making false or misleading claims about its accreditation status, the USDA accreditation program for certifying agents, or the nature or qualities of products labeled as organically produced;(2) Kendi akreditasyon statüsüne, sertifikasyon kuruluşlarına yönelik USDA akreditasyon programına ya da organik ürün etiketi taşıyan ürünlerin niteliğine veya özelliklerine dair yanlış veya yanıltıcı beyanlarda bulunmaktan kaçınmalıdır;
English » Turkish - Technical Translation (Biochemistry)WRAS approval number for Backflow Prevention 1502301Geri Akış Önlemeye yönelik WRAS onay numarası 1502301
Other information & experiences
I stayed in the USA between June and November 2016. During my stay, I had the opportunity to work for 2 and a half months and travel for the rest of the time. Since I was alone in this whole process, it was a very positive experience for me to express myself and relate to people. Before I went, my knowledge of English was already enough that I could easily understand it. But as I spent time there, I became much more fluent.