About KAZIM S. - English, Turkish, French translator
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Our translation office offers you the opportunity to choose the most suitable translator for the characteristics of your translation. Below is the information of one of our translators working in English, Turkish, French languages. If you want to work with this translator, all you have to do is submit your translation to our office by clicking on the link "I want to work with this translator" and then "Send your translation now".
Language/Branch/Capacity Information
- Language Pairs
- Turkish » English: 20000 characters (3200 Words)
- Turkish » French: 30000 characters (4800 Words)
Fields of Expertise:
Medical, Academic, Commercial
Education Information
Kirikkale University -
Translation and Interpreting | 2018
Job experience
Experience: 12 year(s)
online translations / 2 sene
Duty: interpreter
Translator's Sample Translations
Turkish » French - Technical Translation (Mechanical engineering)Keza resmi ve özel kuruluşların ihraç edeceği hisse senedi ve tahvilleri aracılık yapmamak kaydı ile 22 sayılı karar ve yayınlanacak tebliğler doğrultusunda satın alabilir, bunların ihracına katılma taahhüdünde bulunabilir.De même, elle peut acheter conformément aux notifications que l'on va publier et à la loi numéro 22 à condition de ne pas réaliser de médiation les obligations et les titres que les établissements publics et privés vont émettre, elle peut donner des engagements de participation à leurs émissions.
Turkish » French - Technical Translation (Mechanical engineering)AROMEL Kozmetik Fabrika Binası (2005 İzmir - Kemalpaşa)AROMEL Kozmetik Bâtiment d'Usine (2005 Izmir - Kemalpaşa)
Turkish » French (Marketing, advertising and PR)En ihtiyaç duyanlar için güvenilir ve sürdürülebilir EnerjiÉnergie fiable et durable pour ceux qui ont le plus besoin
Turkish » French (Marketing, advertising and PR)50' uzunluk, 11.5' genişlik, 13.5' yükseklik50' longueur, 11.5' largeur, 13.5' hauteur
Turkish » French - Commercial Translation (Business / Commerce (general))(t) Kamu sektörüne taahhüt edilen işlerde geçici kabul tarihi/tasfiye tarihi; özel sektöre taahhüt edilen işlerde ise yapı kullanma izin(t) On va écrire la date de réception provisoire / la date de liquidation pour les travaux engagés au secteur public; et la date d'autorisation pour l'utilisation de l'ouvrage (l'habitat)
Turkish » French (Marketing, advertising and PR)KÖPRÜ ENERJİSİ - Hızlı Yol ÇözümleriSolutions routières rapides - ÉNERGIE DE PONT
Turkish » French - Technical Translation (Mechanical engineering)Endüstriyel Tesis İnşaatı- Manisa OSB (2013-2014)Construction de l'Installation Industrielle - Zone Industrielle Organisée (2013-2014)
Turkish » French (Marketing, advertising and PR)%100 pamuk ve pamuk polyester karışımları üretebilen Open-end iplik hattında 12S ile 80S arasındaki numaralarda iplik üretimi yapılabilmektedir.Dans la ligne de filage open-end pouvant produire des mélanges de 100% coton et coton-polyester, la production de fil numéro 12S et 80S peut être faite.
Turkish » English - Commercial Translation (Contracts and reports)GNB EMNİYETLİ ARAÇ SÜRÜŞ PROSEDÜRÜGNB SAFE VEHICLE DRIVING PROCEDURE
Turkish » English - Commercial Translation (Contracts and reports)Dolum raporlarına göre fazla ürün teslim edildiği anlaşılırsa faturada belirtilen miktarlar dikkate alınacaktır.If it is found out according to the filling reports that surplus product is delivered, then the quantities specified in the invoice shall be taken into account.
Turkish » English - Commercial Translation (Contracts and reports)GNB nun müşterileri ile anlaşmalarının sona ermesi durumunda, taşıma miktarlarında düşüşler meydana gelebilecektir.In case of termination of the agreements between GNB and SPO's customers, the carriage quantities may subject to decrease.
Turkish » English - Financial Translation (Investment)13.11.2003 Tarih 110 nolu Akaryakıt istasyonu+ Depo+ Market+ Ortak alan+ Tanklar+ Merdiven toplam 813 m² için alınmış yeni Yapı Ruhsatı,New construction certificate No 134, Dated 27.09.2004 taken for Fuel Oil Station + Market +Depot + common area + tanks + stairs totally 813m²
Turkish » English - Commercial Translation (Contracts and reports)AKARYAKIT taşıma araçlarının taşıması esnasında, GNB ve YÜKLENİCİ temsilcisi tarafından mühür konulabilir.During the transportation by the FUEL OIL transportation vehicles, seals can be put by GNB and the representative of the CONTRACTOR.
Turkish » English - Commercial Translation (Contracts and reports)GNB taşımalarında kullanılacak tanker ve çekicilerin seçiminde aşağıdaki standart ve mevzuatlar dikkate alınacaktır;Following standards and regulations shall be considered for the selection of tankers and tow trucks to be used for GNB GNB transports;
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