Turkish, English translator - VOLKAN C.

About VOLKAN C. - Turkish, English translator

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Our translation office offers you the opportunity to choose the most suitable translator for the characteristics of your translation. Below is the information of one of our translators working in Turkish, English languages. If you want to work with this translator, all you have to do is submit your translation to our office by clicking on the link "I want to work with this translator" and then "Send your translation now".

Language/Branch/Capacity Information

  • Language Pairs
    • English » Turkish: 10000 characters (1600 Words)
    • Turkish » English: 8000 characters (1280 Words)
  • Fields of Expertise:
    Medical, Technical, Legal, Academic, Commercial, Social Sciences

Education Information

University: Cukurova University - English teacher |

Job experience

Experience: 12 year(s)

ADANA Sworn Translation Office / 2016
Duty: Interpreter

Translator's Sample Translations

  • Turkish » English - Commercial Translation (Contracts and reports)
    6.6 Sözleşme konusu işin ifası için uygun sayı ve nitelikte personel istihdam etme, personelin seçimi, denetimi ve personele talimat verilmesi hususundaki sorumluluk;
    6.6 Responsibility on the employment of adequate number of and qualified personnel required for the performance of the Contract, selection, supervision and instructing the personnel;
  • Turkish » English - Medical Translation (Gynecology)
    Rahimin büyük bir kısmı kastan oluşmaktadır.
    A large part of the uterus consists of muscle.
  • Turkish » English - Commercial Translation (Contracts and reports)
    GNB'nun onayı olmadan hiçbir sürücü, DAT operasyonu dışında başka bir operasyonda çalışmayacaktır.
    Any driver shall not be operated at another operation except for DAT operation without taking approval of GNB.
  • Turkish » English - Commercial Translation (Contracts and reports)
    Böyle bir durumda, bu araştırma ve analiz için talep edilen tüm veri ve finansal dokümanları YÜKLENİCİ, temin edecektir.
    In such case all the data and financial documents requested for such research and analysis shall be provided by the CONTRACTOR.
  • Turkish » English - Financial Translation (Investment)
    Müşterek veya bölünmüş kısımların değerleme analizi,
  • Turkish » English - Financial Translation (Financial reports)
    31 Aralık 2010 tarihinden sonra geçerli olacak olan yeni standart, değişiklik ve yorumlar (bu değişiklikler henüz Avrupa Birliği tarafından kabul edilmemiştir):
    The new standards amendments and interpretations will be valid after 31 December 2010 (these amendments have not been adopted yet by the European Union):
  • Turkish » English - Technical Translation (IT and telecom)
    Tüm EN'lerin çıkış gücü (transmit power), ETSI standartlarına ve KET yönetmeliğine göre uygun olarak ayarlanacaktır.
    The transmit power of all ENs shall be adjusted in accordance with ETSI standards and KET regulations.
  • English » Turkish - Technical Translation (Machinery)
    Tightening/replacing the drive belt 48
    Tahrik kayışının sıkılması/değiştirilmesi 48
  • English » Turkish - Technical Translation (Industrial automation)
  • English » Turkish - Website Translation
    Gratuities (optional)Food and drinks, unless specifiedHotel pickup and drop-off
    Bahşişler (opsiyonel)Yiyecek ve içecekler, belirtilmedikçeOtelden alma ve bırakma
  • English » Turkish - Technical Translation (Industrial automation)
  • English » Turkish - Technical Translation (Industrial automation)
    pressure/temperature ratings except where limited by the material capabilities.
    durumlar haricinde, geçerli ASME basınç/sıcaklık değerleriyle tutarlıdır.
  • English » Turkish - Commercial Translation (Regulation)
    Defective pitch gearbox heating.
    Hatalı pitch dişli kutusu ısıtması
  • English » Turkish - Technical Translation (Biochemistry)
    Yes, this frayed wire is an electrical hazard.
    Evet, aşınmış bu kablo bir elektrik tehlikesi oluşturmaktadır.
  • English » Turkish - Technical Translation (Chemistry engineering)
    smoking, eating or applying makeup.
    cildi sabun ve su ile iyice yıkayın.
  • English » Turkish - Medical Translation (Pharmaceutics)
    Your child will be required to attend the clinic more frequently than during the routine practice and will be required to give more blood than other children with GHD that are not participating in this study.
    Çocuğunuz rutin pratik sırasına göre kliniğe daha çok gelmek zorundadır ve bu çalışmaya katılmayan diğer BHE'lı çocuklara göre daha çok kan vermek zorunda kalacaktır.
  • English » Turkish - Technical Translation (Industrial automation)
    Actuator Mounting Stud (8 req'd)
    Aktüatör Montaj Saplaması (8 adet gerekiyor)
  • English » Turkish - Technical Translation (Telecommunication)
    Combined with the powerful Intel® QM87 chipset, the 4th generation Intel® Core™ processors offer improved I/O performance by leveraging 5GT/s DMI and 3rd generation PCIe interfaces.
    Güçlü Intel® QM87 çip set ile birleştirilmiş olan 4. Nesil Intel® Core™ işlemciler, 5GT/s DMI ve 3. Nesil PCIe arayüzlerinden yararlanarak geliştirilmiş G/Ç performansı sunar.

Other information & experiences

Although this space is actually for overseas experiences (I'll remove it if it's a serious shame), I would like to use it to talk about myself a little bit. First of all, I believe that the key to this job is to know the translator's own language well. Although partially true to the concept of DIRECT TRANSLATION, I am somewhat against it. The translator should add something from himself to the translation and edit it when he deems it necessary. For me, the procedure for using the appropriate word in translation is as follows: the word(s) in the source language are taken, translated into the target language, and the word in the target language that best represents that word in the context in question (eg the English word "go" is "to go" in a police record may be used instead of "delivered" or "participated" in a case file). If this is done, I believe that the quality of translation will increase. In addition, it is difficult to look for accuracy in the words of a translator who claims to be able to translate a large and heavy translation without looking at a dictionary, because TRANSLATION IS LEARNING EVERY DAY AND LEARNING WHILE DOING AND DOING WHEN LEARNING. I believe that there is still a long road ahead of me and that learning will never end. I also take my job seriously. I ESPECIALLY and ESPECIALLY check the accuracy of numerical data in a text more than once, because I am aware that if they turn out to be wrong and the slightest mistake can have serious consequences. Table preparation etc. I refuse to go into this subject, since things like these are things that every translator should be able to do anyway. I advise my customer(s) reading this (if anything) to keep their minds at ease.

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