Turkish, English translator - ELI B.

About ELI B. - Turkish, English translator

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Our translation office offers you the opportunity to choose the most suitable translator for the characteristics of your translation. Below is the information of one of our translators working in Turkish, English languages. If you want to work with this translator, all you have to do is submit your translation to our office by clicking on the link "I want to work with this translator" and then "Send your translation now".

Language/Branch/Capacity Information

  • Language Pairs
    • English » Turkish: 15000 characters (2400 Words)
    • Turkish » English: 15000 characters (2400 Words)
  • Fields of Expertise:
    Medical, Academic, Tourism, Website, Social Sciences

Education Information

University: Istanbul University - Pharmaceutics | 2007
Degree: Marmara University - Clinical Pharmaceutics | 2013

Job experience

Experience: 11 year(s)

Verita Wellbeing / 2015- Proje bazinda calistim, ceviri isi olunca hala calisiyorum
Duty: Brochure, document and website translation and proofreading

personal translation / 2016-2017
Duty: I translated the reference books of an author who writes books on health in Turkish from English to Turkish, it was a project of about 700 pages.

Translator's Sample Translations

  • English » Turkish - Technical Translation (Technical and engineering)
    Release the hand brake (Check indication).
    El Frenini serbest bırakınız (Göstergeyi kontrol ediniz).
  • English » Turkish - Technical Translation (Industrial automation)
    Clean the packing box and all metal parts.
    Salmastra kutusunu ve tüm metal parçaları temizleyin.
  • English » Turkish - Technical Translation (Engineering (general))
    Value is > 0, then NOK1 / the calibrated radius is too small - redo zero point calibration
    Değer > 0 ise NOK1 / kalibre edilmiş radyus çok küçük - sıfır nokta kalibrasyonu yineleyin
  • English » Turkish - Technical Translation (Industrial automation)
  • English » Turkish - Technical Translation (Machinery)
    See chapter entitled >Making adjustments and prepara- tions
    Ayar ve hazırlık yapma< başlıklı bölüme bakın.
  • English » Turkish - Technical Translation (User Manual)
    The other supply, serving the vaporizer, must incorporate a softener with suitable flow and pressure specifications (see technical data and water connections heading).
    Diğer giriş, vaporizör görevi yapar ve uygun akış ve basınç özelliklerine sahip bir yumuşatıcıya sahip olmalıdır (teknik veriler ve su bağlantıları başlığına bakınız)
  • English » Turkish - Legal Translation (Regulation)
    The above mentioned EU or non-EU indication shall not appear in a colour, size and style of lettering more prominent than the sales description of the product.
    Yukarıda belirtilen EU veya non-EU ibareleri, ürünün satış tanımından daha öne çıkan bir renk, boyut veya stil ile görünmemelidir.
  • English » Turkish - Medical Translation (Gynecology)
    iSixty-one newborns were missing data on presentation.
    iAltmış bir yenidoğanın prezentasyon verileri eksikti.
  • English » Turkish - Technical Translation (Industrial automation)
    YSTVL — Previous days reverse corrected volume
    YSTVL — Önceki günler geriye düzeltilmiş hacim
  • English » Turkish - Technical Translation (Machinery)
    Check the scaffolding and connecting the rope
    İskeleyi ve bağlantı halatını kontrol edin
  • Turkish » English - Financial Translation (Financial reports)
    Bilançoda yer alan dövize endeksli parasal varlık ve yükümlülükler bilanço tarihinde geçerli olan kurlar kullanılarak işletmenin fonksiyonel para birimine çevrilmektedir.
    In the balance sheet foreign currency denominated monetary assets and liabilities using prevailing foreign exchange rates at balance sheet date are exchanged into the functional currency of the Company.
  • Turkish » English - Medical Translation (Pharmaceutics)
    Medikal bölüm, ilaç bilgi kaynakları ve Malzeme Güvenlik Bilgi Formu (MSDS) dan toksikolojik etkileri (toksisite, potent, maruz kalma limiti (OLE) ve LD 50 değeri) hakkında bilgiler edinilir ve N-16-0280 Nolu forma kaydedilir.
    Information about toxicological effects (toxicity, potent, exposure limit (OLE) and LD 50 value) are gathered from medical department, drug information resources and Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) are recorded into the form No. N-16-0280.
  • Turkish » English - Commercial Translation (Contracts and reports)
    Burada belirtilen taşıma işi, GNB A.Ş. ile, arasında imzalanan / tarihli Akaryakıt Taşıma Sözleşmesi
    The transport work specified herein shall be made under Fuel Carriage Contract dated ___ concluded between GNB GNB A.Ş.
  • Turkish » English - Financial Translation (Banking and investment)
    Kurumsal bankacılık, yatırım bankacılığı ve Yemek ve Tarım endüstrisi üzeri araştırma ve danışmanlık faaliyetleri ile iştigal etmektedir.
    The company carries out corporate banking, investment banking and research and consultancy services concerning the Food and Agriculture activities.
  • Turkish » English - Financial Translation (Financial reports)
    Finansal araç türleri itibariyle maruz kalınan kredi riskleri aşağıdaki gibidir.
    As types of financial instruments exposed the Credit Risks are as follows.

Other information & experiences

I am not a Turkish citizen, I am originally an Albanian citizen. I came to Turkey in 2003 and have been living and working here ever since. My mother tongue is Albanian, I went to high school in Albania and used English as the spoken language and lessons in high school. I started Istanbul University Pharmacy department in 2003 in Turkish language and graduated in 2007. I completed my master's degree in Clinical Pharmacy at Marmara University in 2013 and completed my necessary academic studies, my thesis and my thesis defense in English. Now I'm interested in translation projects where I can work from home as a freelance. Thanks in advance!

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