About KARDELEN A. - Turkish, English translator
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Language/Branch/Capacity Information
- Language Pairs
- English » Turkish: 10000 characters (1600 Words)
- Turkish » English: 10000 characters (1600 Words)
Fields of Expertise:
Education Information
Hacettepe University -
English Linguistics/Preparation | Deva
Job experience
Experience: 11 year(s)
- / -
Duty: -
Translator's Sample Translations
English » Turkish - Technical Translation (Chemistry)Soluble in water, warm dilute alcohol, dilute mineral acids, insoluble in ether, in absolute alcohol, benzene and in acetone (L-form)Suda, ılık seyreltik alkolde, seyreltik mineral asitlerde çözünür, saf alkoldebenzen ve, asetonda (L-form) çözünmez.
English » Turkish - Technical Translation (Telecommunication)Carrier Grade BMC (IPMI v2.0 compliant) with fail safe updates, Web Interface, KVM, RedfishBozulmaya dayanıklı güncellemeler, Web arayüzü, KVM, Redfish ile Taşıyıcı Sınıf BMC (IPMI v2.0 uyumlu)
English » Turkish - Technical Translation (IT and telecom)Netherlands awarded a complete refresh of their nationwide TETRA network in 2015Hollanda 2015 yılınde ulusal TETRA ağını tamamıyla yenilemeye karar verdi.
English » Turkish - Technical Translation (Industrial automation)The Free Software Foundation may publish revised and/or new versions of the General Public License from time to time.Ücretsiz Yazılım Vakfı belirli aralıklarla Genel Kamu Lisansının düzenlenmiş ve/veya yeni versiyonlarını yayınlayacaktır.
English » Turkish - Commercial Translation (Regulation)The speed test mode can only be activated if the following conditions are met:Hız testi kipi aşağıdaki durumlarda aktive edilebilir:
English » Turkish - Technical Translation (Chemistry engineering)In order not to re-contaminate the disin- fected object, it is recommen- ded to rinse with sterile water.Dezenfekte nesnenin tekrar kontamine olmasını önlemek için steril su ile durulama önerilir.
English » Turkish - Technical Translation (Telecommunication)An Intel® 21154 PCI-to-PCI bridge chip is used in the MIC-3951 for CompactPCI bus expansion and decreases the CompactPCI bus loading to one, in addition to meeting industry requirements.MIC-3951'de KompaktPCI veri yolu genişletmesi için Intel® 21154 PCI'den PCI'ye köprü çipi kullanılmakta olup, KompaktPCI veri yolu yüklemesini tek düşürür ve sektör gereksinimlerini karşılar.
Turkish » English - Financial Translation (Investment)Gayrimenkulün Ulaşım Bilgileri 9Transportation Details for the Real Estate 9
Turkish » English - Commercial Translation (Contracts and reports)Tanker fren sistemi EBS veya ABS mi?Is the brake system EBS or ABS?
Turkish » English - Medical Translation (Electrical engineering)Programının sonunda, iki enerjili x-ray absorbsiyometri (DXA) kullanılarak tüm vücut kemik mineral miktarı (BMC), kemik mineral yoğunluğu (BMD), kas kitlesi (LM) ve yağ miktarı (%fat) ölçümleri yapıldı.At the end of the program, full body bone mineral content (BMC), bone mineral density (BMD), lean mass (LM) and fat (%fat) measurements were performed using Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry.
Turkish » English - Commercial Translation (Contracts and reports)Döküntü, ne kadar miktar toplanabilirse toplansın, çevresel olarak tehlikeli bir maddenin (örneğin ham petrol, yoğuşuk, hammadde, ara ürünler, nihai ürünler ya da sulu olmayan ayrı fazlı süreç materyalleri) şirket tarafından işletilen tesislerden (birincil ya da ikincil bariyerden) suya, toprağa (toprak, kum, ince kum, kabuk, çakıl, vb. gibi geçirgen materyaller) ya da buza doğru beklenmeyen ve istenmeyen şekilde kaybı.Waste, no matter how much it could be collected, is the undesired or unexpected loss of a substance (i.e., raw petrol, condensed, raw material, by-products, final products or waterless process materials with a separate phase) which is environmentally dangerous from the facilities (from the first or second barrier) operated by the company to the water, land (permeable materials such as soil, sand, fine sand, shell, gravel etc.) or towards ice.
Turkish » English - Commercial Translation (Contracts and reports)Madde 11 MUCBİR SEBEPLER (sh.40)Article 11 FORCE MAJEURE (pg.43)
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