About GÖKSUN T. - Turkish, English translator
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Our translation office offers you the opportunity to choose the most suitable translator for the characteristics of your translation. Below is the information of one of our translators working in Turkish, English languages. If you want to work with this translator, all you have to do is submit your translation to our office by clicking on the link "I want to work with this translator" and then "Send your translation now".
Language/Branch/Capacity Information
- Language Pairs
- English » Turkish: 30000 characters (4800 Words)
- Turkish » English: 30000 characters (4800 Words)
Fields of Expertise:
Medical, Academic, Social Sciences
Education Information
Middle East Technical University -
Physics | 2008
Mediterranean University -
Faculty of Medicine / Biophysics | 2011
Faculty of Medicine / Biophysics | 2018
Job experience
Experience: 11 year(s)
Home Office / 2014 -
Duty: Freelance Translator
Translator's Sample Translations
Turkish » English - Technical Translation (IT and telecom)Üçüncü seviyede (L3) DiffServ Code Point (DSCP) ya da ikinci seviyede (L2) IEEE 802.1p CoS (Class of Service) ile sınıflandırılmış paketlerin öncelik değerlerini anlayabilmeli, gerektiğinde bu öncelik değerlerini değiştirebilmelidir.It must be able to perceive the value of priority of the packages classified with DiffServ Code Point (DSCP) on the third level (L3) or with IEEE 802.1p CoS (Class of Service) on the second level (L2) and be able to change these values of priority when needed.
Turkish » English - Commercial Translation (Contracts and reports)GNB tarafından belirlenen durumlarda, GNB tarafından belirlenen yöntemlere göre araçların bir önceki yüküne göre, YÜKLENİCİ tarafından araç gözlerinin temizletilmesi istenecektir.At the cases determined by GNB, vehicle orifices shall be requested to be cleaned by the CONTRACTOR in accordance with the methods determined by GNB and their previous loads.
Turkish » English - Medical Translation (Electrical engineering)MD'nin ülserasyon, hemoraji, intestinal obstrüksiyon, invaginasyon, perforasyon ve nadiren de veziko divertiküler fistül ve tümör gibi komplikasyonları mevcuttur.MD has complications such as ulceration, hemorrhage, intestinal obstruction, invagination, perforation and rarely vesico-diverticular fistule and tumor.
Turkish » English - Financial Translation (Banking and investment)b) Türkiye'de yerleşik kişiler aşağıda belirtilen şekillerde döviz kredisi açabilirler.b) The persons who are resident in Turkey can extend foreign currency loan as specified below.
Turkish » English - Commercial Translation (Contracts and reports)Herhangi bir ayın 15'ine kadar GNBI'ye ibraz edilen ve muhasebe sistemine girilen faturaların ödemeleri bir sonraki ayın 10'unda yapılacaktır.The payment of the invoices which are submitted to GNB till the 15th of any month and entered to the accounting system, shall be made on the 10th day of the next month.
English » Turkish - Commercial Translation (Regulation)Nodes report invalid data if the connection between Safety nodes and PLC is or was faulty, the IO modules were inserted incorrectly or the F addresses set incorrectly.Nodlar Güvenlik nodları ve PLC arasında bağlantı hatalı ise, IO modülleri hatalı takıldıysa veya F adresleri hatalı ayarlandıysa geçersiz veri rapor eder.
English » Turkish - Technical Translation (Biochemistry)lowers the temperature at which soot burns in the DPFdüşüren kurum yakma teknolojisine (SB) sahiptir
English » Turkish - Technical Translation (Telecommunication)Triple display VGA/DVI-D/DP and dual GbE LANÜçlü ekran VGA/DVI-D/DP ve çift GbE LAN
English » Turkish - Technical Translation (Biochemistry)New closed re-circulating loops.Yeni kapalı devridaimli devre sistemler.
English » Turkish - Technical Translation (Chemistry engineering)Phenoxyethanol, greasy alcohols, excipients and waterFenksietanol, yağ alkolleri, ara maddeler ve su
English » Turkish - Technical Translation (Chemistry engineering)Disinfectant for Surfaces of non-invasive Medical Devicesİnvazif Olmayan Medikal Cihazlar In Yüzeyleri İçin Dezenfektan
English » Turkish - Technical Translation (User Manual)When an alarm is activated during production, users can press the “Alarm Reset” key to stop the alarm automatically.Üretim esnasında alarm aktif hale geldiğinde, kullanıcılar alarmı otomatik olarak durdurmak için “Alarm Reset” tuşuna basabilirler.
English » Turkish - Legal Translation (Regulation)Due to demand of the client inspection certificate is issued by the responsible according to the destination country.Müşteri talebine bağlı olarak muayene sertifikası hedef ülkeye göre sorumlu tarafımdan düzenlenir.
English » Turkish - Technical Translation (Technical and engineering)This option is particularly useful for high-traffic ports and border crossings where high inspection throughput may be required.Bu seçenek özellikle, yüksek denetim hızı gerektiren yüksek trafikli limanlarda ve sınır geçişlerinde faydalıdır.
Other information & experiences
In 2013, I did a Neuromodulation internship in the Neurosurgery department at Maastricht University in the Netherlands for 3 months.