About AYŞENUR B. - Turkish, German translator
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Our translation office offers you the opportunity to choose the most suitable translator for the characteristics of your translation. Below is the information of one of our translators working in Turkish, German languages. If you want to work with this translator, all you have to do is submit your translation to our office by clicking on the link "I want to work with this translator" and then "Send your translation now".
Language/Branch/Capacity Information
- Language Pairs
- German » Turkish: 20000 characters (3200 Words)
Fields of Expertise:
Technical, Legal, Commercial, Financial, Website, Social Sciences
Education Information
Istanbul University -
German Translation and Interpreting | deva
Job experience
Experience: 12 year(s)
Translator's Sample Translations
German » Turkish - Commercial Translation (Textile)Bezüglich Lagerung, Handhabung, Einsatz und Entsorgung dieser Stoffe sind diese un- bedingt einzuhalten!Bu maddelerin depolanması, ele alınması, kullanılması ve imhası ile ilgili bu açıklamalara uyulması zorunludur !
German » Turkish - Commercial Translation (Textile)Bei höheren oder niedrigeren Umge- bungstemperaturen müssen die Eigenschaften auf die jeweiligen Temperaturverhältnisse ab- gestimmt werden.Daha yüksek veya daha düşük çevre sıcaklıklarında özelliklerin ilgili sıcaklık oranlarına göre uyarlanması gerekmektedir.
German » Turkish - Technical Translation (Industrial automation)Auslaufgurte mit AusschussweicheÇıkış kayışları çıkış çevirimi ile
German » Turkish - Commercial Translation (Textile)Nach Abschluss des Einbaus sind die Betriebsstoffe zu überprüfen.Montaj işlemi tamamlandıktan sonra işletme maddelerinin kontrol edilmesi gerekmektedir.
German » Turkish - Commercial Translation (Products and catalogs)Mehr als die Hälfte der Patienten wol- len auf Grund ihrer subjektiven, positiven Erfah- rung das TGO-Gel auch nach der Behandlungs- phase weiterhin anwenden.Hastaların yarısından fazlası kendi kişisel olumlu deneyimleri nedeni ile TGO jeli tedavi safhasından sonra da kullanmaya devam etmeyi istiyorlar.
German » Turkish - Commercial Translation (Products and catalogs)Ihrem Zahnarzt kontrolliert werden.diş hekiminiz tarafından kontrol edilmelidir.
German » Turkish - Technical Translation (Industrial automation)Code-Sensor 2 überprüfen und ggf. neu einstellen.Kod sensörü 2'i kontrol ediniz, gerekiyorsa yeniden ayarlayınız.
German » Turkish - Financial Translation (Taxation And Customs)Gegenstand, Art und Umfang der Abschlussprüfung 4Bilanço kontrolünün konusu, türü ve kapsamı 4
German » Turkish - Commercial Translation (Textile)Danach Kuppelstange (1998) und Anschlusswelle (1050) voneinander trennen.Sonrasında kavrama çubuğu (1998) ile bağlantı milini (1050) birbirinden ayırınız.
Other information & experiences
I am a 3rd year student in the Department of German Translation and Interpretation at the Faculty of Letters at Istanbul University, and I am also studying a double major in the German Language and Literature department at the same faculty. As I have lived in Switzerland for 15 years and I am a dual citizen, I know European culture very well. Therefore, I think this is a plus in the translation industry, and I wanted to ask you spontaneously, is it possible to be a remote translator in your company? I will be glad if you give positive or negative feedback.