À propos de HACER T. - Traductrice Anglais, Turc
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Informations sur la langue/la branche/la capacité
- Paires de langues
- Turc » Anglais: 20000 caractères (3200 Mots)
Domaines de traduction:
Médical, Technique, Juridique, Académique, Tourisme, Sciences sociales
Informations sur l'éducation
Université de Selçuk -
La biologie | 2000
Expérience de travail
De l'expérience: 17 Année(s)
Exemples de traductions du traducteur
Turc » Anglais - Traduction technique (Matériau de Construction)(Parelel dış diş ve parelel iç diş).(Parallel external and internal threads.)
Turc » Anglais - Traduction technique (informatique et télécom)Tüm EN'ler herhangi bir ek konfigürasyona ihtiyaç olmadan fabrika ayarları ile lokasyona bağlandığında otomatik olarak KAKC'yi bulacak ve bağlanacaktır.All ENs shall find and connect automatically to the KAKC when they are connected to the location by using factory defaults without a need for any additional configuration.
Turc » Anglais - Traduction technique (informatique et télécom)Tip5 EN 2.4 GHz için en az 2.0 dBi kazançlı, 5 GHz için ise en az 4.0 dBi kazançlı omni anten bulunmalıdır.There must be omni antenna with at least 2.0 dBi gain for 2.4 GHz and at least 4.0 dBi gain for 5 GHz on Type5 EN.
Turc » Anglais - Traduction technique (Matériau de Construction)Aksi halde boru kelepçesi (pozisyoner) kullanılmalıdır.Otherwise a pipe clamp (positioner) must be used.
Turc » Anglais - Traduction médicale (Gynécologie)Anormal Smear, HPV ve Preinvaziv Servikal PatolojilerAbnormal Smear, HPV and Preinvasive Cervical Pathologies
Turc » Anglais - Traduction médicale (Pharmacie)Ambalaj spesifikasyonları revize edilmiştir.Packaging specifications have been revised.
Turc » Anglais - Traduction médicale (Pharmacie)2.3.Aynı üreticinin aynı batch numarasını taşıdığı halde farklı laboratuvar lot numarası olanlar2.3. Those having different laboratory lot numbers although bearing same batch number from the same manufacturer
Turc » Anglais - Traduction médicale (Pharmacie)TSA petrileri 30-35°C'de inkübe edilerek 18-24 saatte, SDA/SDA.ch petrileri 20-25°C'de inkübe edilerek 24-48 saatte değerlendirilir.TSA petris is evaluated in 18/24 hours after incubation at 30-35°C and SDA/SDA.ch petris is evaluated in 24/48 hours after incubation at 20-25°C.
Turc » Anglais - Traduction médicale (Électrique ingénierie)Bronşial ağaçla bağlantısı olmayan bronkosel ve obstrükte akciğer segmentinde hiperinflasyon eşlik eder.It is accompanied by bronchocele without connection to the bronchial tree and hyperinflation in obstructed lung segment.
Autres informations et expériences