À propos de CEREN P. - Traductrice Turc, Anglais, Russe
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Informations sur la langue/la branche/la capacité
- Paires de langues
- Anglais » Turc: 25000 caractères (4000 Mots)
- Russe » Anglais: 25000 caractères (4000 Mots)
- Russe » Turc: 25000 caractères (4000 Mots)
Domaines de traduction:
Médical, Technique, Juridique, Commercial, Littéraire, Tourisme, Site internet, Sciences sociales
Informations sur l'éducation
Université d'Okan -
Interprète en russe | 2015
Université russe de l'amitié des peuples -
Philologique | 2017
Expérience de travail
De l'expérience: 13 Année(s)
Arkas Logistique / 2013-2014
Devoir: interprétant
Imbibé / 2014-2015
Devoir: interprétant
Logitrans Logistique / 2015-2016
Devoir: interprétant
Exemples de traductions du traducteur
Anglais » Turc - Traduction technique (Construction)Silver-plated and gold-plated cutlery can also be found in the vast collection of the notable company, located in Solingen, Germany.Gümüş plise ve altın plise kesici aletler aynı zamanda Soligen Almanya'da yer alan ünlü şirketin geniş koleksiyonunda da bulunabilir.
Anglais » Turc - Traduction commerciale (Règlement)Type of Household Kitchen Storage Rack/Stand/Holder/DispenserEv Mutfak Depolama Raf Türü / Stant / Tutucu / Dağıtıcı
Anglais » Turc - Traduction technique (Industriel automatisation)If the valve has ENVIRO-SEAL™ live-loaded packing installed, see the Fisher instruction manual titled ENVIRO-SEAL Packing System for Sliding-Stem Valves (D101642X012) for packing instructions.Eğer vanada hareketli yük sistemli ENVIRO-SEAL Salmastra kullanılmışsa, ilgili salmastra talimatlarına ulaşmak adına, ‘Kayar-Milli Vanalar için ENVIRO-SEAL Salmastra Sistemi' başlıklı Fisher kullanma (D101642X012) kılavuzuna bakınız.
Anglais » Turc - Traduction technique (Machinerie)38 Lifting steel deck by derrick crane38 Çelik Tabliyenin Derrik Vinç Tarafından Kaldırılması
Anglais » Turc - Traduction technique (Industriel automatisation)D The open interior of the Bore Seal plug seal must face down in a valve with flow-down construction (figure 8).Delikli contanın açık iç kısmı, aşağı-akış yapılı bir valf içerisinde aşağı doğru bakmalıdır.
Anglais » Turc - Traduction technique (Industriel automatisation)Synchronous Dynamic Random Access MemorySenkronize Dinamik Rasgele Erişimli Bellek
Anglais » Turc - Traduction technique (Industriel automatisation)Cycle the valve CLOSED and OPEN several times to ensure proper calibrationDoğru kalibrasyonu sağlamak için vanayı birkaç kez KAPALI ve AÇIK pozisyona çevirin.
Anglais » Turc - Traduction technique (Industriel automatisation)If this task is necessary, then place the spiral wound gasket, shim, and bonnet gasket (keys 12, 25, and 10, figure 12) on the shoulder of the seat ring retainer.Eğer bu işlemin yapılması gerekiyorsa, bu durumda spiral sargılı conta, şim ve kapak contasını (12, 25 ve 10, şekil 12) yuva halkası sabitleyicisinin omzuna yerleştirin.
Russe » Anglais - Traduction technique (Mécanique ingénierie)Put the locking device (2) on o position to start up the mechanical microswitch and strokeУстановите запирающее устройство (2) в положение 0, для того, чтобы запустить механический микропереключатель и ход
Russe » Anglais - Traduction technique (Mécanique ingénierie)After having put into place the horizontal protection to shield from possible splinters, as shown in Fig. 28, move the fence slowly back until the profiling of the fake fence is obtained.После установки горизонтального защитного приспособления от возможных осколков (рис.28), медленно переведите назад направляющую до получения профиля самой фальш-направляющей.
Russe » Anglais - Traduction technique (Électronique)Upgrading your existing equipment: functional adaptation, control motorisation, renovation of protections units, etc.Модернизация вашего имеющегося оборудования: адаптация функционала, перевод управления на электропривод, обновление защитных блоков и т.п..
Russe » Anglais - Traduction technique (Électronique)10B: Sepam series 10B protects against overloads, phase-to-phase faults and earth faults.10B: Sepam серии 10B защищает от перегрузок, и кз фаза-фаза и кз на землю.
Russe » Anglais - Traduction technique (Mécanique ingénierie)An allowance must be made to compensate for tolerances with the specified emission values.Необходимо принять меры для компенсации допусков с указанными значениями шумопроизводительности.
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