English - Romanian translation
Document translation, website localization, audio/video transcription and translation, and interpretation services are among the translation services we provide in Romanian. We have a team of experienced linguists and subject matter specialists who translate from widely spoken languages into Romanian and vice versa, including English > Romanian, German > Romanian, and Russian > Romanian. If you are looking for a dependable service for your Romanian translation need, please contact us for price, delivery timeframes, and other information.
About Romanian Language
The Romanian language is a member of the Latin language family that is mainly spoken in Central and Southeast Europe. Romania, Moldova, Montenegro, Ukraine, Bulgaria, Macedonia, Kosovo, and Albania are all Romanian-speaking nations. Several varieties of the Romanian language are spoken in countries where the language is spoken.
The Romanian language has a long history dating back to the period of the old Roman Empire. Dialects of the Latin language of Dacian, Thracian, and Illyrian provenance were spoken throughout this time period. Eventually, in the Medieval Ages, these dialects mixed with western dialects of the Latin language to develop a language that constituted the essential ingredients of the Romanian language.
Because the structure of the Romanian language is quite similar to that of the Latin language, it is possible to say that the Romanian language contains a considerable number of Latin terms. The Romanian language, on the other hand, has a distinct structure than the Latin language, and it has less structural resemblance with other Latin languages.
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